AKA: none
Other ID: none
Status: Completed
Organization(s): USGS, Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center
Funding Program(s): Marine Geomorphology, Evolution, and Habitats (ZP00FE6)
Principal Investigator(s): Guy Cochrane, Maureen Walton
Affiliate Investigator(s): Lisa Gilbane
Information Specialist(s): Evan Dailey
Data Type(s): Location-Elevation: Navigation, Seismics: Multichannel, Seismics: Sparker, Seismics: Sub Bottom Profiler, Sonar: Multibeam
Scientific Purpose/Goals: Geologic framework and habitat geophysics in Federal Waters of South Central California for offshore energy hazards and impacts.
Vehicle(s): None
Start Port/Location: San Francisco
End Port/Location: Los Angeles
Start Date: 2018-08-27
End Date: 2018-09-22
Equipment Used: Yonav, Other, Multichannel, 512 chirp-source, 512 chirp, Sparker, Other
Information to be Derived: Bathymetry, backscatter intesity, seismic profiles.
Summary of Activity and Data Gathered: Chirp, MCS, and YoNav data submitted to FAD by Maureen Walton 10/10/2018
Staff: Jackson Currie, Daniel Kennedy, Jared Kluesner, Rachel Marcuson, Ray Sliter, Robert Wyland
Affiliate Staff:
Notes: Cruise will be run on two legs on the NOAA Ship Rainier with some staff swap outs.
South Central California
Boundaries | |||
North: 35.83 | South: 34.53 | West: -121.98 | East: -120.94 |
Rainier |
Cochrane, G.R., Kuhnz, L.A., Dartnell, P., Gilbane, L., and Walton, M.A., 2022, Multibeam echosounder, video observation, and derived benthic habitat data offshore of south-central California in support of the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management Cal DIG I, offshore alternative energy project: U.S. Geological Survey data release, https://doi.org/10.5066/P9QQZ27U.
Kennedy, D.J., Walton, M.W., Cochrane, G.R., Balster-Gee, A.F., Kluesner, J.W., Hart, P.E., Sliter, R.W., Miller, J.K., and Gilbane, L., 2021, High-resolution multi-channel and Chirp seismic-reflection data from USGS cruise 2018-641-FA collected in south-central California in support of the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management Cal DIG I offshore alternative energy project: U.S. Geological Survey data release, https://doi.org/10.5066/P9JU17GE.
Survey Equipment | Survey Info | Data Type(s) | Data Collected |
Yonav | --- | Navigation | |
Other | --- | --- | --- |
Multichannel | --- | Multichannel | High-resolution multi-channel seismic-reflection data (Multi-channel seismic (MCS) reflection data were collected as part of a geophysical survey aboard the NOAA Ship Rainier during two legs at sea, the first from 8/28/2018 to 9/7/2018 and the second from 9/10/2018 to 9/21/2018. The data were collected using a SIG 2-Mille minisparker and a 64-channel streamer, although the majority of the survey was conducted using a 56-channel setup due to technical issues with one 8-channel section early on in the survey. The MCS data were processed to post-stack time migration and include filtering and other noise removal corrections.) |
512 chirp-source | --- | Sub Bottom Profiler | |
512 chirp | --- | Sub Bottom Profiler | High-resolution Chirp seismic-reflection data (High-resolution Chirp seismic-reflection data were collected offshore south-central California as part of a geophysical survey aboard the NOAA Ship Rainier during two legs at sea, the first from 8/28/2018 to 9/7/2018 and the second from 9/10/2018 to 9/21/2018. The data were collected using an Edgetech 512i towfish with a 1-6 kHz sweep. Consistently high winds and rough seas prevented additional Chirp data collection and caused noisy data in some cases, especially during the second leg of the survey, which largely took place in the southern part of the study area. The Chirp data were post-processed to include filtering and other noise removal corrections.) |
Sparker | --- | Sparker | |
Other | --- | --- | --- |