USGS - science for a changing world

USGS Coastal and Marine Geology Program

Field Activity Details for field activity 2019-619-FA

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AKA: none

Other ID: 2019-001-FA

Status: Completed

Organization(s): USGS, Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center

Funding Program(s): Gas Hydrates (MU113)

Principal Investigator(s): Nancy Prouty

Affiliate Investigator(s): Nancy Prouty (PCMSC); Amanda Demopoulos (WARC, Gainesville); Carolyn Ruppel (WH); Tamara Baumberger (PMEL-NOAA); Jens Greubert (GEOMAR), Howard Mendlovitz (UNC)

Information Specialist(s): Other

Data Type(s): Sampling: Geology, Environmental Data: CTD, Location-Elevation: Navigation, Sonar: Multibeam, Sonar: Single Beam

Scientific Purpose/Goals: ROV and geophysical studies of methane seepage on the Cascadia margin


Start Port/Location: San Francisco, CA

End Port/Location: Astoria, OR

Start Date: 2019-06-12

End Date: 2019-07-02

Equipment Used: sampling equipment, CTD - FSI, GPS, Other

Information to be Derived: seafloor maps, methane flux, methane oxidation rate, chemosynthetic habitats

Summary of Activity and Data Gathered: location of seeps (EK60), seafloor maps (MB), gas composition, age and geochemistry of carbonates, and chemosynthetic food web composition

Staff: Nancy Prouty

Affiliate Staff:

Notes: Entries for this field activity are based on entries from Field Activity 2019-001-FA
Project: USGS GAS HYDRATES (LQ000FP). This was a competitively chosen project for which Schmidt Ocean Institute is providing about $1 million in shiptime on the global class R/V Falkor. We are responsible for travel, shipping, other science, overtime, etc.


U.S. Cascadia (Pacific Northwest) margin, offshore Washington and Oregon

North: 48.21672332 South: 41.85895216 West: -127.24854111 East: -124.58936142




Prouty, N.G., 2023, Geochemistry of authigenic carbonates from Cascadia Margin: U.S. Geological Survey data release,

Prouty, N.G., Baker, M.C., and Campbell, P.L., 2024, Geochemical analysis of authigenic carbonates, water column, and pore fluids measurements collected on the FK190612 research expedition in the north Pacific Ocean along the Cascadia margin in June 2019: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


Data Acquired

Survey EquipmentSurvey InfoData Type(s)Data Collected
sampling equipment --- Biology
Lipid biomarker analyses (Carbonate lipid biomarkers (n-alkanes, fatty acids, and fatty alcohols/sterols) were determined in carbonate rocks collected on the FK190612 research expedition in the north Pacific Ocean along the Cascadia Margin on in June and July 2019)
Sediment core pore fluid chemistry measurements (Geochemical analysis of sediment core pore fluids collected from seep fields on the FK190612 research expedition in the north Pacific Ocean along the Cascadia margin in June 2019. Samples were collected to deconvolve the different processes impacting the fluid chemistry, including hydrate dissociation and clay mineral dehydration during the smectite-illite transformation that releases inter-layer water.)
Mooring (physical oceanography)
CTD profile measurements collected along the Cascadia margin for the FK190612 expedition in June 2019 (CTD (Conductivity Temperature Depth) data were collected along the Cascadia margin for the FK190612 expedition in June 2019)
GPS --- Navigation
Other --- --- ---

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