USGS - science for a changing world

USGS Coastal and Marine Geology Program

Field Activity Details for field activity 2020-632-FA

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AKA: Garrison Lake, OR marsh coring and geophysics of Garrison and Floras Lake, OR.

Other ID: none

Status: Completed

Organization(s): USGS, Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center

Funding Program(s): Tsunami Hazards, Modeling, and the Sedimentary Record (ZP00ES5)

Principal Investigator(s): SeanPaul La Selle

Affiliate Investigator(s): Bruce Jaffe, Brandon Nasr

Information Specialist(s): Brandon (Contractor) Nasr

Data Type(s): Sampling: Geology, Sonar: Sidescan

Scientific Purpose/Goals: To collect geophysical profile of lake bottom stratigraphy and to collect marsh core sediment data.

Vehicle(s): Ford Fusion HEV G10-6618K

Start Port/Location: Santa Cruz, CA

End Port/Location: Santa Cruz, CA

Start Date: 2020-09-18

End Date: 2020-09-29

Equipment Used: core, Edgetech 424

Information to be Derived: CHIRP sub bottom data, core imagery, X-ray scans, core descriptions.

Summary of Activity and Data Gathered: Geophysical data of Floras lake, Garrison lake, and Bradley lake were gathered. 6 marsh gouge core samples were collected and 20 surface samples were collected in whirlpaks. GPS data points were taken at each site cored and sampled.


Affiliate Staff:



Garrison Lake, Oregon, United States. Floras Lake, Oregon, United States.

North: 42.76339792 South: 42.74688611 West: -124.51921413 East: -124.49398088


photo of Raft



Data Acquired

Survey EquipmentSurvey InfoData Type(s)Data Collected
core --- Biology
Edgetech 424 --- Sidescan

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