Other ID: none
Status: Pending
Organization(s): USGS, Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center
Funding Program(s): Next-Generation Total Water Level and Coastal Change Forecast (WH) (MN00U03)
Principal Investigator(s): Christopher Sherwood
Affiliate Investigator(s): Jennifer Brown (SPCMSC) Peter Traykovski (WHOI) Patrick Dickhudt (USACE) Katherine Anarde (NCSU) Ryan Mieras (UNCW) Laura Moore (UNC)
Information Specialist(s): Steven Suttles, Olivia De Meo
Data Type(s): Time Series: Mooring (physical oceanography), Sampling: Geology, Environmental Data: Meteorology
Scientific Purpose/Goals: We propose to collect detailed hydrodynamic measurements in a cross-shore array spanning the nearshore and beach/dune, as well as topo-bathy maps, throughout the storm and recovery period(s) during hurricane season. Observations from this site will provide insight into cross-shore storm processes and impacts, including wave transformation and shoreline water levels, rapid changes in coastal elevations, on/offshore sediment exchanges, and resulting habitat changes. These detailed measurements will provide a more complete understanding of storm impacts and recovery on natural beach/dune systems, which will allow us to validate and improve forecasts of water levels, coastal change, and habitat.
Start Port/Location: Dare County, NC
End Port/Location: Dare County, NC
Start Date: 2021-09-01
End Date: 2021-10-31
Equipment Used: Other, Grab sampler, Vaisala weather transmitter
Information to be Derived: Waves, currents, pressure, water level, meteorology, sediment grain size.
Summary of Activity and Data Gathered:
Staff: Steven Suttles, Christopher Sherwood, Noa Randall, Alexander Olson, Eric Marsjanik, Olivia De Meo, Sandra Brosnahan, Robert Bales
Affiliate Staff:
Notes: Time series moorings will be deployed on jetted/driven pipe both in the surf zone and on the beach.
Pea Island National Wildlife Refuge, Hatteras Island, North Carolina, United States, Atlantic Ocean
Boundaries | |||
North: 35.68086 | South: 35.67481 | West: -75.48928 | East: -75.46864 |
on foot | INMAR inflatable |
Bales, R.D., Over, J.R., Sherwood, C.R., Olson, A.J., Randall, N.R., and Suttles, S.E., 2024, Grain-size analysis data of sediment samples from the beach and nearshore environments at the Pea Island National Wildlife Refuge DUNEX site, North Carolina in 2021: U.S. Geological Survey data release, https://doi.org/10.5066/P9O21FQI.
De Meo, O.A., Suttles, S.E., Marsjanik, E.D., and Sherwood, C.R., 2023, Meteorological data from Pea Island National Wildlife Refuge, North Carolina, 9/13/2021 to 10/24/2021: U.S. Geological Survey data release, https://doi.org/10.5066/P9RZTFCQ.
Over, J.R., Sherwood, C.R., Hegermiller, C.A., 2021, USGS DUNEX Operations on the Outer Banks: URL: https://www.usgs.gov/centers/woods-hole-coastal-and-marine-science-center/science/usgs-dunex-operations-outer-banks.
Survey Equipment | Survey Info | Data Type(s) | Data Collected |
Other | --- | --- | --- |
Grab sampler | --- | Biology Geology | |
Vaisala weather transmitter | --- | Meteorology | DUNEX_Meteorological (Meteorological data from Pea Island National Wildlife Refuge, North Carolina, 9/13/2021 to 10/24/2021) |