USGS - science for a changing world

USGS Coastal and Marine Geology Program

Field Activity Details for field activity 2021-641-FA

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AKA: Ozette Uwitech Coring 2021

Other ID: none

Status: Pending

Organization(s): USGS, Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center

Funding Program(s): Coastal and marine earthquake, tsunami, and landslide active margin field studies (ZP00EQV)

Principal Investigator(s): Daniel Brothers

Affiliate Investigator(s): Brian Sherrod (EHP)

Information Specialist(s): Andrew Ritchie

Data Type(s): Sampling: Geology

Scientific Purpose/Goals: Acquire long sediment cores in Lake Ozette spanning the entire Holocene. Identify deposits linked to large large Cascadia earthquakes

Vehicle(s): MarFac; Ford F350 MT use only; pickup - white; G43-2784H

Start Port/Location: Santa Cruz, CA

End Port/Location: Lake Ozette, WA

Start Date: 2021-08-13

End Date: 2021-08-30

Equipment Used: Uwitec hybrid platform, Bob mini-hammer corer

Information to be Derived: sedimentation history, paleoenvironmental history, age control, turbidite deposition

Summary of Activity and Data Gathered:

Staff: Andrew Ritchie, Daniel Powers, Peter Dal Ferro

Affiliate Staff:

Notes: We will be using our new Uwitech percussion coring rig, the Jewell as a support vessel, and new mini-hammer corer (Bob Corer)


Lake Ozette, Washington

North: 48.61498066 South: 47.60338526 West: -125.11196136 East: -124.03255463


R/V Jewell



Brothers, D.S., Sherrod, B.L., Singleton, D.M., Padgett, J.S., Hill, J.C., Ritchie, A.C., Kluesner, J.W., Dartnell, P., 2024, Post-glacial stratigraphy and late Holocene record of great Cascadia earthquakes in Ozette Lake, Washington, USA: Geosphere, Geosphere, , doi: 10.1130/Ges02713.1.

Snyder, G.R., Balster-Gee, A.F., Brothers, D.S., Singleton, D.M., Padgett, J.S., Hill, J.C., Ritchie, A.C., La Selle, S.M., Kluesner, J.W., Sherrod, B., Powers, D.C., Dal Ferro, P., and Currie, J.E., 2024, Seismic sub-bottom, sediment core and radiocarbon data collected in Ozette Lake, Washington, from 2019-2021: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


Data Acquired

Survey EquipmentSurvey InfoData Type(s)Data Collected
Uwitec hybrid platform --- Geology
Bob mini-hammer corer --- Geology

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