Other ID: 22WFS05, 23WFS01, 23WFS02, 23WFS03
Status: Ongoing
Organization(s): USGS, St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center, University of South Florida
Funding Program(s): USGS and FSU Collaborative Agreement (GR.25.MN00.TN122.00)
Principal Investigator(s): Christopher Smith
Affiliate Investigator(s): Salvatore Caprara - USFCMS
Information Specialist(s): Christopher Smith
Data Type(s): Geochemical: Surveys (geochemical), Sampling: Chemistry
Scientific Purpose/Goals: Groundwater and surface water sample collection in support of USGS/FSU Collaborative Agreement (TN122)
Start Port/Location: St. Petersburg, Florida
End Port/Location: St. Petersburg, Florida
Start Date: 2022-11-14
End Date: 2024-06-22
Equipment Used: Peristaltic Pump, Water Sampler
Information to be Derived: Basic physical water chemistry (pH, salinity, ORP), radon-222, and short-lived radium-isotopes and samples collected by collaborators participating in field effort (USF).
Summary of Activity and Data Gathered:
Staff: Benjamin Galbraith, Billy Reynolds
Affiliate Staff:
Notes: Because of date range - could not select a Platform or Vehicle:
Preferences is to use the Sallenger with a single Dually; however, if unavailable, Dusty may be an option. Not sure which truck is best to pull it with.
Venice, Clearwater, Hudson Florida
Boundaries | |||
North: 28.58495627 | South: 26.93901824 | West: -83.25115442 | East: -82.1713772 |
Survey Equipment | Survey Info | Data Type(s) | Data Collected |
Peristaltic Pump | --- | Experiments (geochemical) Surveys (geochemical) | |
Water Sampler | --- | Chemistry | No data was collected |