AKA: none
Other ID: YK Delta Water Levels; Coastal flood staff installations
Status: Pending
Organization(s): USGS, Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center, Alaska Department of Natural Resources
Funding Program(s): Climate Change Impacts to the U.S. Pacific and Arctic Coasts (ZP00F00), Alaska Coastal Processes and Hazards (ZP00TMU)
Principal Investigator(s): Richard Buzard
Affiliate Investigator(s): Nora Nieminski, KC Horen
Information Specialist(s): Richard Buzard
Data Type(s): Location-Elevation: Navigation
Scientific Purpose/Goals: To install flood staffs surveyed to MHHW datum and provide signage indicating historical high water elevations in Alaska communities. This supports collaborative documentation of flood elevations to improve flood models and development planning. More information about this work is available at: https://www.usgs.gov/centers/pcmsc/science/alaska-flood-staffs
Start Port/Location: Vancouver, WA
End Port/Location: Vancouver, WA
Start Date: 2023-10-14
End Date: 2023-10-20
Equipment Used: RTK GPS, Handheld GPS
Information to be Derived: Impacts of flooding and preparedness for future floods. Qualitative information to share with the National Weather Service to improve forecasting efforts. Calibrated flood elevation observations.
Summary of Activity and Data Gathered: Flood staffs are surveyed to orthometric and MHHW datum elevation if available. Signage indicating historical high-water events were added to the staffs, if available.
Affiliate Staff:
Notes: No data collected under this FAN.
Bethel, Napakiak, Kwigillingok, and Kipnuk, AK
Boundaries | |||
North: 60.88129554 | South: 59.65664225 | West: -164.46533203 | East: -161.15291922 |
on foot |
Survey Equipment | Survey Info | Data Type(s) | Data Collected |
RTK GPS | --- | LIDAR Transects Benchmarks Profiles Navigation | |
Handheld GPS | --- | Navigation |