Other ID: UConn LIS
Status: Pending
Organization(s): USGS, Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center
Funding Program(s): CMG-WH Core Competency - Marine Technology (LQ000GU)
Contact(s): Seth Ackerman Information Specialist(s): Seth Ackerman Data Type(s): Sampling: Geology, Imagery: Video, Imagery: Photo Scientific Purpose/Goals: To collect ground truth sediment samples, video and photographs to help characterize the seafloor geology and biota Vehicle(s): Start Port/Location: Groton/Avery Point, CT End Port/Location: Groton/Avery Point, CT Start Date: 2025-05-12 End Date: 2025-05-22 Equipment Used: SeaBOSS, Osprey camera system, GoPro camera, Nikon D300 Information to be Derived: grain size, seafloor character Summary of Activity and Data Gathered: Notes: SEABOSS operations will be conducted in Long Island Sound aboard the R/V Connecticut as part of an agreement with Univ of Connecticut (LISMaRC project) to map the geology and biota of Long Island Sound. This work is in conjunction with additional collaborators from University of New Haven and Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory (Columbia University).
Entries for this field activity are based on entries from Field Activity 2017-056-FA
Entries for this field activity are based on entries from Field Activity 2018-018-FA.
Entries for this field activity are based on entries from Field Activity 2023-008-FA.
Entries for this field activity are based on entries from Field Activity 2024-005-FA.
Long Island Sound, Connecticut, United States, Atlantic Ocean
Boundaries | |||
North: 41.17894909 | South: 40.8954228 | West: -73.77437018 | East: -73.16070557 |
Connecticut |
Survey Equipment | Survey Info | Data Type(s) | Data Collected |
SeaBOSS | --- | Surveys (biological) Experiments (biological) Species ID Photo Video Geology Biology | |
Osprey camera system | --- | Photo Video | |
GoPro camera | --- | Photo Video | |
Nikon D300 | --- | Photo |