USGS - science for a changing world

USGS Coastal and Marine Geology Program

Field Activity Details for field activity F102NC

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AKA: none

Other ID: F-1-02-NC

Status: Completed

Organization(s): USGS, Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center

Funding Program(s): Englebright Lake Project (MU098)

Principal Investigator(s): Noah Snyder, Jonathan Childs

Affiliate Investigator(s):

Information Specialist(s):

Data Type(s): Imagery: Photo, Location-Elevation: Navigation, Sampling: Geology, Sonar: Single Beam

Scientific Purpose/Goals: Sediment analysis


Start Port/Location: Englebright Lake, CA

End Port/Location: Englebright Lake, CA

Start Date: 2002-04-01

End Date: 2002-04-04

Equipment Used: VanVeengrab, YoNav, underwatercamera, bathymetry

Information to be Derived: Grain size, bathymetry, sediment thickness

Summary of Activity and Data Gathered:

Staff: Michael Boyle, Henry Chezar, Larry Kooker, Gerry O'Brien, Noah Snyder, Jonathan Childs

Affiliate Staff:

Notes: Oz Houseboat was also used.

Staff information imported from InfoBank
Jon Childs (geophysicist, USGS Menlo Park) - Project Chief
Noah Snyder (geologist, USGS Santa Cruz) - Project Chief
Larry Kooker (USGS Menlo Park) - Electronic technician
Mike Boyle (USGS Menlo Park) - Electronic technician
Gerry O'Brien (USGS Menlo Park) - Boat handler
Hank Chezar (USGS Menlo Park) - Photographic specialist


Northern California

North: 39.29994 South: 39.24029 West: -121.275 East: -121.20514


photo of Fast Eddy (SC)
Fast Eddy (SC)


Childs, J.R., Snyder, N.P., and Hampton, M.A., 2003, Bathymetric and geophysical surveys of Englebright Lake, Yuba-Nevada Counties, California: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 03-383,

Snyder, N.P., Allen, J.R., Dare, C., Hampton, M.A., Schneider, G., Wooley, R.J., Alpers, C.N., and Marvin-DiPasquale, M.C., 2004, Sediment Grain-Size and Loss-on-Ignition Analyses from 2002 Englebright Lake Coring and Sampling Campaigns: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2004-1080,

Snyder, N.P., Rubin, D.M., Alpers, C.N., Childs, J.R., Curtis, J.A., Flint, L.E., and Wright, S.A., 2004, Estimating accumulation rates and physical properties of sediment behind a dam: Englebright Lake, Yuba River, northern California: Water Resources Research, v. 40 no. 11, doi: 10.1029/2004wr003279.

Snyder, N.P., Wright, S.A., Alpers, C.N., Flint, L.E., Holmes, C.W., and Rubin, D.M., 2006, Reconstructing depositional processes and history from reservoir stratigraphy: Englebright Lake, Yuba River, northern California: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 111 no. F4, doi: 10.1029/2005JF000451.


Data Acquired

Survey EquipmentSurvey InfoData Type(s)Data Collected
VanVeengrab --- Geology
Station Information
YoNav --- Navigation
Best file with nav in ArcInfo E00 format
Global positioning system (GPS) data f-1-02-nc.061 (Provisional best file)
underwatercamera --- Photo
Survey information
bathymetry --- Single Beam
Edited bathymetry data with corrected depths f-1-02-nc.320
Edited bathymetry data with corrected depths f-1-02-nc.320_061 (Provisional best file)

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