USGS - science for a changing world

USGS Coastal and Marine Geology Program

Field Activity Details for field activity H108AR

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AKA: H0108AR

Other ID: H-1-08-AR, HLY0805, HLY0806

Status: Completed

Organization(s): USGS, Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center

Funding Program(s): Other (Other)

Principal Investigator(s): Jonathan Childs

Affiliate Investigator(s):

Information Specialist(s): Jonathan Childs

Data Type(s): Environmental Data: Temperature, Location-Elevation: Navigation, Sampling: Geology, Sonar: Multibeam

Scientific Purpose/Goals: Mapping of the seafloor morphology in order to define the location of the 2500 meter contour and the foot of the continental slope as defined by the UN for Law of the Sea purposes.

Vehicle(s): None

Start Port/Location: Barrow, AK

End Port/Location: Barrow, AK

Start Date: 2008-08-14

End Date: 2008-09-05

Equipment Used: chaindredge, expendablebatthermograph, navigation, GPS, Seabeam

Information to be Derived: seismic

Summary of Activity and Data Gathered: added green logbook to holdings 2/28/18

Staff: Alex Andronikov, Andy Armstrong, Betsy Baker, Robert Bogucki, James Brinkley, Kelley Brumley, Dale Chayes, Pablo Clemente, Adriane Colburn, Larry Mayer

Affiliate Staff:
Brian Calder - CCOM UNH
Shachak Peeri - CCOM/IUNH
Monica Wolfson - CCOM UNH
Daiela Goncalves - CCOM/UNH
Koji Ito - CCOM/UNH
Priyantha Jindasa - CCOM/UNH
Neil Tinmouth - CCOM/UNH
Val Schmidt - CCOM/UNH
Rochelle Wigley - CCOM/UNH
Samual Greenaway - NOAA/CCOM
Ethan Roth - UCSD
Jimmy Jones Olemaun - Community Observer
Peter Legnos - US National Ice Center
William Walter - US National Ice Center
Walt Lincoln - US National Ice Center
Steve Roberts - UCAR/LDEO
Stephen Howard - ARMADA
David Skillicorn - NOAA
John Hall - CCOM
Marty Reedy - US Fish and Wildlife

Notes: USCGC Healy - HLY0805 NOAA Index to Marine & Lacustrine Geological Samples - HLY0805

Staff information imported from InfoBank
Larry Mayer - CCOM UNH
Andy Armstrong - NOAA
Brian Calder - CCOM UNH
Shachak Peeri - CCOM/IUNH
Monica Wolfson - CCOM UNH
Robert Bogucki - CCOM UNH
Daiela Goncalves - CCOM/UNH
Koji Ito - CCOM/UNH
Priyantha Jindasa - CCOM/UNH
Neil Tinmouth - CCOM/UNH
Val Schmidt - CCOM/UNH
Rochelle Wigley - CCOM/UNH
Samual Greenaway - NOAA/CCOM
Kelley Brumley - UAF
Ethan Roth - UCSD
Betsy Baker - Vermont Law School
Adriane Colburn - Stanford University
Jimmy Jones Olemaun - Community Observer
James Brinkley - US National Ice Center
Peter Legnos - US National Ice Center
William Walter - US National Ice Center
Pablo Clemente (US National Ice Center) - Colon
Walt Lincoln - US National Ice Center
Dale Chayes - LDEO
Steve Roberts - UCAR/LDEO
Stephen Howard - ARMADA
Alex Andronikov - Univ of Mich
David Skillicorn - NOAA
John Hall - CCOM
Marty Reedy - US Fish and Wildlife


Chukchi Cap

North: 83.1097 South: 71.2949 West: -167.999 East: -139.13531


photo of Healy



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