USGS - science for a changing world

USGS Coastal and Marine Geology Program

Field Activity Details for field activity S106KA

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AKA: none

Other ID: S-1-06-KA,06034

Status: Completed

Organization(s): USGS, Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center, USGS, Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center

Funding Program(s): Hawaii Coral Reef Project (MU134)

Principal Investigator(s): Michael Field

Affiliate Investigator(s): Rick Rendigs (USGS, Woods Hole, MA)

Information Specialist(s): Joshua Logan

Data Type(s): Environmental Data: CTD, Environmental Data: Current, Environmental Data: Turbidity, Environmental Data: Wave, Imagery: Photo, Location-Elevation: Navigation, Sampling: Geology

Scientific Purpose/Goals: Determine nearshore oceanographic conditions in Hanalei Bay


Start Port/Location: Hanalei, HI

End Port/Location: Hanalei, HI

Start Date: 2006-05-31

End Date: 2006-06-09

Equipment Used: waveguage, CTD 19+ with OBS, PAR, DO, Chl, rotatingsedimenttrap, camera, pushcore, CTD, acousticdoppler, OBS sensor, GPS

Information to be Derived: Oceanographic conditions in Hanalei Bay. Current speed and direction, wave size and direction, turbidity, sediment accumulation and deposition.

Summary of Activity and Data Gathered: Scuba diver deployments, sediment sampling

Staff: Susan Cochran, Amy Draut, Kathy Presto, Curt Storlazzi, Henry Chezar, Thomas Reiss

Affiliate Staff:

Notes: Associated field activities: S-2-06-ka S-1-07-ka Data exists on Makai/ots/Hawaii/Kauai

Staff information imported from InfoBank
Mike Field (USGS, Santa Cruz, CA) - Chief Scientist
Rick Rendigs (USGS, Woods Hole, MA) - Chief Scientist
Amy Draut (USGS, Santa Cruz, CA) - Geologist
Josh Logan (USGS, Santa Cruz, CA) - Information Specialist
Hank Chezar (USGS, Menlo Park, CA) - Instrument Specialist
Tom Reiss (USGS, Menlo Park, CA) - Dive Safety Officer
Kathy Presto (USGS, Santa Cruz, CA) - Oceanographer
Curt Storlazzi (USGS, Santa Cruz, CA) - Oceanographer
Susie Cochran (USGS, Santa Cruz, CA) - Geologist



North: 22.22618 South: 22.20885 West: -159.514 East: -159.50006




Hoeke, R.K., Storlazzi, C.D., Ridd, P.V., 2013, Drivers of circulation in a fringing coral reef embayment: A wave-flow coupled numerical modeling study of Hanalei Bay, Hawaii: Continental Shelf Research, v. 58, pp. 79–95, doi: 10.1016/j.csr.2013.03.007.

Storlazzi, C.D., Presto, M.K., Logan, J.B., and Field, M.E., 2008, Coastal circulation and sediment dynamics in Hanalei Bay, Kaua'i, part IV; measurements of waves, currents, temperature, salinity, and turbidity, June-September 2006: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2008-1295, 29 p.,


Data Acquired

Survey EquipmentSurvey InfoData Type(s)Data Collected
waveguage --- Wave
CTD 19+ with OBS, PAR, DO, Chl --- CTD
rotatingsedimenttrap --- Turbidity
camera --- Photo
pushcore --- Geology
Station Information
CTD --- Surveys (geochemical)
Experiments (geochemical)
acousticdoppler --- Current
OBS sensor --- Turbidity
GPS --- Navigation
Global positioning system (GPS) data s-1-06-ka.060 (Provisional best file)
Best file with nav in ArcInfo E00 format

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