AKA: none
Other ID: S-3-09-SF,S-03-09-SF
Status: Completed
Organization(s): USGS, Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center
Funding Program(s): South Bay Salt Ponds (MU268)
Principal Investigator(s): Bruce Jaffe
Affiliate Investigator(s):
Information Specialist(s): David Finlayson
Data Type(s): Location-Elevation: Navigation, Sonar: Multibeam, Sonar: Sidescan, Sonar: Sound Velocity
Scientific Purpose/Goals: Measure tidal flat and subtidal morphology. Collect baseline data set for change detection.
Start Port/Location: Redwood City/Palo Alto
End Port/Location: Redwood City/Palo Alto
Start Date: 2009-04-07
End Date: 2009-04-10
Equipment Used: GPS, multibeam, sidescansonar, soundvelocityprofiler
Information to be Derived: Bathymetry and backscatter data
Summary of Activity and Data Gathered:
Staff: David Finlayson, Thomas Reiss
Affiliate Staff:
Notes: This effort is part of a multi-disciplinary GD/BRD/WRD study entitled, Effects of regional wetland restoration on mud flats of the South San Francisco Bay: avian ecology, food webs, and sediment supply
Staff information imported from InfoBank
David Finlayson
Tom Reiss
Boundaries | |||
North: 37.6035 | South: 37.49435 | West: -122.318 | East: -122.11213 |
Parke Snavely |
Foxgrover, A.C., Jaffe, B.E., and Fregoso, T.A., 2022, Bathymetric surveys collected near Dumbarton Bridge in south San Francisco Bay, California, 2008 to 2019: U.S. Geological Survey data release, https://doi.org/10.5066/P9BIB67S.
Survey Equipment | Survey Info | Data Type(s) | Data Collected |
GPS | --- | Navigation | Global positioning system (GPS) data s-3-09-sf.061 (Provisional best file) Best file with nav in ArcInfo E00 format |
multibeam | --- | Multibeam | |
sidescansonar | --- | Sidescan | Bathymetry (Bathymetric survey data were collected in April 2009 just south of Dumbarton Bridge in south San Francisco Bay, California. Portions of the main channel and western shallows/intertidal mudflats were surveyed using an interferometric sidescan sonar system. The bathymetry is provided as a 1-m resolution raster in geoTIFF format, referenced to the vertical datum of mean lower low water (MLLW).) |
soundvelocityprofiler | --- | Sound Velocity |