AKA: none
Other ID: S-9-09-SF
Status: Completed
Organization(s): USGS, Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center
Funding Program(s): South Bay Salt Ponds (MU268)
Principal Investigator(s): Bruce Jaffe
Affiliate Investigator(s):
Information Specialist(s): David Finlayson
Data Type(s): Location-Elevation: Navigation, Sonar: Sidescan, Sonar: Sound Velocity
Scientific Purpose/Goals: Measure tidal flat and subtidal morphology. Collect baseline data set for change detection.
Start Port/Location: Redwood City, CA
End Port/Location: Redwood City, CA
Start Date: 2009-10-06
End Date: 2009-10-10
Equipment Used: GPS, acousticbackscatter, soundvelocityprofiler
Information to be Derived: Bathymetry and Acoustic Backscatter Summary of Activity and Data Gathered: This effort is part of a multi-disciplinary GD/BRD/WRD study entitled, Effect of regional wetland restoration on mud flats of the South San Francisco Bay avian ecology, food webs, and sediment supply . Other surveys included in this effort: S-16-08-SF, S-1-09-SF and S-3-09-SF.
Summary of Activity and Data Gathered:
Staff: Michael Boyle, David Finlayson, George Tate, Thomas Reiss
Affiliate Staff:
Jamie Grover
Staff information imported from InfoBank
David Finlayson
Mike Boyle
George Tate
Jamie Grover
Tom Reiss
Boundaries | |||
North: 37.57579 | South: 37.49089 | West: -122.224 | East: -122.10872 |
Parke Snavely |
Foxgrover, A.C., Jaffe, B.E., and Fregoso, T.A., 2022, Bathymetric surveys collected near Dumbarton Bridge in south San Francisco Bay, California, 2008 to 2019: U.S. Geological Survey data release, https://doi.org/10.5066/P9BIB67S.
Survey Equipment | Survey Info | Data Type(s) | Data Collected |
GPS | --- | Navigation | Global positioning system (GPS) data s-9-09-sf.061 (Provisional best file) Best file with nav in ArcInfo E00 format |
acousticbackscatter | --- | Sidescan | List of data files Bathymetry (Bathymetric survey data were collected in October 2009 just south of Dumbarton Bridge in south San Francisco Bay, California. Portions of the main channel and western shallows/intertidal mudflats were surveyed using an interferometric sidescan sonar system. The bathymetry is provided as a 1-m resolution raster in geoTIFF format, referenced to the vertical datum of mean lower low water (MLLW).) |
soundvelocityprofiler | --- | Sound Velocity | svp data 281_190953_SVP02.svp svp data 282_200009_SVP03.svp svp data 283_012057_SVP04.svp png data JD281_SVP.png svp data 280_172321_SVP01.svp |