Imagery Data System

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Filename: 2022-034-FA_NCB_NP1-S4_sandsnap.jpg

Image data:
  • Keywords:
    • Grain-size analysis
    • Sediment transport
    • Oceans
    • Geoscientificinformation
    • Sediment analysis
    • Beach
    • Sediment
    • Physical habitats and geomorphology
    • U.s. geological survey
  • Collection:
  • FAN: 2022-034-FA: More images from FAN | CMGDS details
  • Topic: Citizen Science, Geology
  • Purpose: Field activity
  • Type: Core or Sample
  • Subject: sand
  • Semantic Location: North Core Banks
  • People: No people visible in image
  • FAN: St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center, Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center
  • Public: True
  • File Size: 6136487 bytes
  • Uploaded By: jover
  • Uploaded At: March 27, 2023, 1:54 p.m. (UTC)
Exif tags:
  • Credit: U.S. Geological Survey
  • Contact:
  • Copyright: Public Domain
  • Image Description: ; SandSnap image of the ground with a quarter for scale, North Core Banks, Cape Lookout National Seashore, North Carolina
  • Attribution URL:
  • GPS Latitude: 34.9010333333333
  • GPS Latitude Reference: N
  • GPS Longitude: -76.2539777777778
  • GPS Longitude Reference: W
  • GPS Time Stamp (UTC): 16:52:56
  • GPS Date Stamp: 2022-10-17
  • GPS Area Information: camera-integrated GPS
  • Date/Time Original: 2022-10-17 16:52:56
  • Date/Time Modified: 2022-10-17 16:52:56
  • Artist: WHCMSC AIMG
  • Preserved Filename: 2022-034-FA_NCB_NP1-S4_sandsnap.jpg
  • External Metadata Link:
  • Camera Make: Google
  • Camera Model: Pixel 6