Topic: Biology and Ecosystems, Land Resources, Mapping, Remote Sensing, and Geospatial Data
Purpose: Field activity
Class: Operations
Subject: landcover
Semantic Location: North Core Banks
People are visible in image
FAN: St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center, Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center
Public: True
File Size: 4887589 bytes
Uploaded By: jover
Uploaded At: March 27, 2023, 6:07 p.m. (UTC)
Imagery header data:
Credit: U.S. Geological Survey
Copyright: Public Domain
Image Description: Photographs collected via cell phone at quadrat locations surveyed in the field. Multiple photographs per quadrat were taken to provide landscape context of each quadrat, a top-down view of each quadrat, a detailed view of sand within each quadrat with a quarter for scale (if applicable), a view of the survey logger at each quadrat to help tie the survey ID to the cell phone photographs collected, and a record of the vegetation height measured in the field at each quadrat (if applicable). Please note that files 'PhotoRefID_129_logger' and 'PhotoRefID_129_topdown' have erraneous GPS tags, but were kept in the photograph collection to provide a more complete photograph record of the quadrats. Photographs were taken at North Core Banks, North Carolina, from USGS field activity 2022-034-FA