The Boomer and Sparker Subbottom Data
Boomer subbottom data files are binary encoded SEG-Y format and cannot be viewed directly. The SEG-Y files may be processed and plotted with seismic processing software such as Seismic Unix and SIOSEIS. DOS and Microsoft Windows compatible software for plotting SEG-Y files (PLOTSEIS) and viewing SEG-Y headers (DUMPSEGY) is located in the PLOTSEIS directory. The files are cross referenced on the Seismic Data page to help in locating and downloading selected files. To download a selected file, simply follow the steps outlined below. The steps required to download a data file utilizing WWW clients other than those listed below may differ slightly. |
The Shot-Navigation Field Data
The navigation data are stored on the CD-ROM as ASCII files and may be viewed by going to the Navigation page. All the navigation data are separated into individual files according to line number.There are two methods by which the user can download the navigation data from CD-ROM. One method is to follow the steps described above for downloading the boomer subbottom data. A second method is available when viewing the data file in the text window. Select the "Save As" option on the pulldown menu from the File button, located on the menu bar. When prompted, enter the directory and filename specifying where the selected file will be stored on disk. |
Downloading a selected file with Netscape:
Downloading a selected file with Internet
To download a selected data file listed in the Seismic Data page while using the Internet Explorer browser, follow the above directions for Netscape. After selecting the desired file, use the mouse to highlight "Save Target As..." . Internet Explorer will then ask to specify the name and location of where the selected data file should be saved. |
REMEMBER: The SEG-Y data files are binary files and cannot be viewed directly. Attempts to view the files in a text window will result in long loading times and unrecognizable characters being displayed. The seismic data listing with cross-references to the data files is simply to aid the user in identification and downloading of desired files. |