The directory rawnav contains the raw navigation that was collected
using a USGS differential GPS system (Ashtech). These files represent the data
that was originally recorded on floppy disk aboard ship. The data are in NEMA
format. WARNING: These data have not been
checked for errors. Use with caution.
To aid viewing of the original raw navigation data, each data entry was reformatted
(removing the NEMA codes) by filtering the raw data files through a UNIX awk script.
Every navigation fix from the original data has been preserved, however.
The navigation is stored in ASCII files using eight fields separated by tabs,
with each file representing a separate julian day (i.e. jd128web.txt). Navigation
fixes are at 10 second intervals. The start and end of each line is marked within
each reformatted navigation file. These files are located in the rawnav
sub-directory of the nav directory.
- Field 1: Date and Time (julian day:hour (GMT):minute:second)
- Field 2: Latitude (degrees and minutes)
- Field 3: Longitude (degrees and minutes)
- Field 4: Speed (in knots, computed from the navigation)
- Field 5: Heading (in degrees, computed from the navigation, i.e.
course made good)
- Field 6: Average Water Depth (the average of depths for 10 second
Depths are in meters, but have not been corrected for the depth of the transducer,
which was about 1 m below the sea surface
- Field 7: Slant Range: (in meters, from fathometer to sidescan sonar
- Field 8: Point Depth: (in meters for the depth at 10 second intervals)