The archived Chirp subbottom data are in standard Society of Exploration Geologists (SEG) SEG-Y format (Barry and others, 1975) and may be downloaded for processing with software such as Seismic Unix or SIOSEIS. The subbottom data were recorded on the ISIS data acquisition system in QMIPS format. Chirp subbottom channel extracted from raw QMIPS format sonar files and converted to 16-bit Int. SEG-Y format using the program QMIPSTOSEGY. Even though the data are in SEG-Y format, it is not the conventional time series data (e.g. voltages or pressures), but rather instantaneous amplitude or envelope detected and therefore all of the amplitudes are positive (though not simply rectified). DOS and Microsoft Windows compatible software for plotting SEG-Y files (PLOTSEIS) and viewing SEG-Y headers (DUMPSEGY) is located in the PLOTSEIS directory. Processed chirp profiles (GIF images) may be viewed on this DVD-ROM with your WWW browser.
This investigation was motivated by the need to develop an environmentally acceptable solution for the disposal of dredged material from the New York - New Jersey Port, by the need to identify potential sources of sand for renourishment of the southern shore of Long island, and by the opportunity to develop a better understanding of the transport and long-term fate of contaminants by investigations of the present distribution of materials discharged into the New York Bight over the last 100+ years (Schwab and others, 1997).