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U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2005-1001
USGS East-Coast Sediment Analysis: Procedures, Database, and GIS Data



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NAME:  gstatm


PURPOSE: To input frequency percent data entered by ENTRY and analyze as described in GSTAT.


SYNOPSIS: gstatm file.out <file.dat >file.txt


DESCRIPTION: This version of the program, which was written in “c” and compiled with DJGPP (v. 2.01), will run under Windows 95/98 in the BornAgainShell (Bash). Data are read from stdin ("file.dat") which was created by the program ENTRY.  The relative frequency percentages are normalized to 100%. These are statistically analyzed by method of moments and inclusive graphics methods, plotted, and output both in page format as a hard copy and as a comma-delimited pre-database file. The formatted statistical analyses and printer plots are directed to stdout ("file.txt").  The pre‑database formatted identifiers and analyses are directed to a file ("file.out").  Size nomenclature and grade scale are based on the method proposed by Wentworth (1929).  The verbal equivalents are calculated using the inclusive graphics statistical method (Folk, 1974) and the classification scheme was modified from the one proposed by Shepard (1954).


sedlab.h gstat.h


SEE ALSO: (make file = gstatm.m)

LISTA = gstatm.o loadat.o loadids.o gprint.o prhead.o getnav.o

LISTB = stats.o name.o momnts.o mode.o hplot.o pgprint.o igst.o iolib.o

LISTC = median.o iqhscu.o icsevu.o

gstatm:  $(LISTA) $(LISTB) $(LISTC)

cc $(LISTA) $(LISTB) $(LISTC)  ‑o gstatm ‑lm

$(LISTA) $(LISTB): sedlab.hh

$(LISTA) $(LISTB): gstat.h


DIAGNOSTICS‑BUGS: A message is displayed which notifies user as each sample is retrieved. During the inclusive graphics analyses, some distributions cause the last frequency percent to be beyond 100.0%.  This will cause a message to be displayed, which may be ignored.  But user should always "eye‑ball" the data for any apparent error(s). If the input file is out‑of‑sequence a message will be displayed.  This will be in reference to the sample after the last successfully retrieved sample.

Other messages, such as core dumped, etc., come from gross errors in input. In such a case, the input file should be carefully scanned.

AUTHOR/MAINTENANCE: Janet J. Fredericks, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute (WHOI), Woods Hole, MA 02543/Larry Poppe, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Woods Hole, MA 02543

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U.S. Geological Survey
Coastal and Marine Geology Program
Woods Hole Science Center