USGS Coastal and Marine Hazards and Resources Program
| Selected ReferencesMaps Showing the Stratigraphic Framework of South Carolina's Long Bay from Little River to Winyah Bayby Wayne E. Baldwin, Robert A. Morton, Jane F. Denny, Shawn V. Dadisman, William C. Schwab, Paul T. Gayes, and Neal W. Driscoll South Carolina Coastal Erosion Studyby Denny, J. F., Baldwin, W. E., Schwab, W. C., Warner, J. C., and DaVoe M. R. Migration of the Pee Dee River system inferred from ancestral paleochannels underlying the South Carolina Grand Strand and Long Bay inner shelfby Baldwin, W. E., Morton, R. A., Putney, T. R., Katuna, M. P., Harris, M. S., Gayes, P. T., Driscoll, N. W., Schwab, W. C., and Denny, J. F. Web SitesSouth Carolina Coastal Erosion StudyWoods Hole Science Center Sea-floor Mapping Technology Woods Hole Science Center Sediment Transport Instrument Facility South Carolina Sea Grant Consortium