South Carolina Coastal Erosion Study, Data Report for Observations, October 2003 - April 2004
Excel file of this table. Note: an MS Excel viewer will be required to display this file.
Epic Key | Symbol | Description | Datafile(s) |
Coordinate Variables | |||
624 | time | time (true Julian day) | ALL |
624 | time2 | time (milliseconds since 0:00 GMT) | ALL |
3 | depth | depth (m) | adc, arc, aqc,advvp, pcvp, stdMet |
r | distance from ABS sensor head (m) | abss | |
pctile | percentiles calculated with ABS data | abss | |
burst | burst number (counts) | adwp, arwp, aqwp, advvp, pcvp, abss | |
frequency | frequency (Hz) | adwp,arwp, aqwp | |
direction | direction (degrees) | adwp | |
9991 | xcoord | Distance from sonar in the x-direction (m) | im |
9992 | ycoord | Distance from sonar in the y-direction (m) | im |
500 | lat | latitude (degrees north) | ALL |
502 | lon | longitude (degrees east) | ALL |
Record Variables | |||
21 | AT_21 | air temperature (°C) | stdMet |
915 | BP_915 | barometric pressure (mbar) | stdMet |
922 | VIS_922 | visibility (miles) | stdMet |
951 | DP_951 | dew point (°C) | stdMet |
25 | T_25 | sea surface temperature (°C) | stdMet |
412 | WD_412 | wind direction meteorological convention (degrees true) | stdMet |
402 | WG_402 | wind gust (m/s) | stdMet |
401 | WS_401 | wind speed (m/s) | stdMet |
422 | WU_422 | eastward wind velocity component (cm/s) | stdMet |
423 | WV_423 | westward wind velocity component (cm/s) | stdMet |
4062 | wd_4062 | mean wave direction (degrees true) | stdMet |
5000 | flow | Average daily river discharge (m^3/s) | river |
310 | CD_310 | current direction (degrees) | advvp, pcvp |
300 | CS_300 | current speed (cm/s) | advvp, pcvp |
18 | hght_18 | sea surface height (m) | adc, adwp, arwp, aqwp |
1239 | hght_std | sea surface height standard deviation (m) | arwp |
4 | P_4 | pressure (pa) | arc, aqc |
4023 | P_4023 | average burst pressure (mbar) | advvp, pcvp |
850 | SDP_850 | Std. Dev. Pressure (mbar) | advvp, pcvp |
51 | C_51 | conductivity (S/m) | sc, mc |
40 | S_40 | salinity (ppt) | sc, mc |
71 | STH_71 | sigma-theta (kg/m3) | sc, mc |
28 | T_28 | temperature ITS_1990 Standard (°C) | sc, mc |
4211 | CTDTMP_4211 | temperature (°C) | advvp |
4218 | CTDCON_4218 | conductivity (S/m) | advvp |
4214 | CTDSAL_4214 | salinity (PSU) | advvp |
20 | T_20 | temperature (°C) | PT |
1 | P_1 | Pressure (DB) | PT |
1211 | Tx_1211 | transducer temperature (°C) | adc, ARGN, AQDP, ADV, PCADP |
1201 | Werr_1201 | error velocity (cm/s) | adc |
1202 | AGC_1202 | average echo intensity (counts) | adc |
1203 | PGd_1203 | percent good pings (counts) | adc |
1205 | u_1205 | eastward current velocity component (cm/s) | adc, ARGN, AQDP, ADV, PCADP |
u_1205min | minimum eastward current velocity component (cm/s) | advvp, pcvp | |
u_1205max | maximum eastward current velocity component (cm/s) | advvp, pcvp | |
4097 | USTD_4097 | Std. Dev. of eastward current velocity component (cm/s) | advvp, pcvp |
ResU | Mean resolution velocity eastward (cm/s) | pcvp | |
u_dmean | Ratio of means for burst after points QA/QC'd | advvp | |
u_dvar | Ratio of variances for burst after points QA/QC'd | advvp | |
1206 | v_1206 | northward current velocity component (cm/s) | adc, arc, aqc, advvp, pcvp |
v_1206min | minimum northward current velocity component (cm/s) | advvp, pcvp | |
v_1206max | maximum northward current velocity component (cm/s) | advvp, pcvp | |
4098 | VSTD_4098 | Std. Dev. of northward current velocity component (cm/s) | advvp, pcvp |
ResV | Mean resolution velocity northward (cm/s) | pcvp | |
v_dmean | Ratio of means for burst after points QA/QC'd | advvp | |
v_dvar | Ratio of variances for burst after points QA/QC'd | advvp | |
1204 | w_1204 | vertical current velocity component (cm/s) | adc, arc, aqc, advvp, pcvp |
w_1204min | minimum vertical current velocity component (cm/s) | advvp, pcvp | |
w_1204max | maximum vertical current velocity component (cm/s) | advvp, pcvp | |
4099 | WSTD_4099 | Std. Dev. of vertical current velocity component (cm/s) | advvp, pcvp |
ResW | Mean resolution velocity vertical (cm/s) | pcvp | |
w_dmean | Ratio of means for burst after points QA/QC'd | advvp | |
w_dvar | Ratio of variances for burst after points QA/QC'd | advvp | |
brange | Sensor range to boundary (m) | advvp, pcvp | |
vrange | Volume range to boundary (m) | advvp | |
1215 | Hdg_1215 | Median INST Heading (degrees) | advvp, pcvp |
1216 | Ptch_1216 | Median INST Pitch (degrees) | advvp, pcvp |
1217 | Roll_1217 | Median INST Roll (degrees) | advvp, pcvp |
1218 | HSD_1218 | INST Heading Std. Dev. (degrees) | advvp, pcvp |
1219 | PSD_1219 | INST Pitch Std. Dev. (degrees) | advvp, pcvp |
1220 | RSD_1220 | INST Roll Std. Dev. (degrees) | advvp, pcvp |
981 | Sed*_981 | Sediment concentration (g/l) | obs |
56 | NEP*_56 | Backscatter intensity (nephylometer) | obs |
4074 | adv_nbad | Count of bad velocity points in burst | advvp |
4061 | wh_4061 | significant wave height (m) | adwp, arwp, aqwp, stdMet |
4060 | wp_4060 | mean wave period (s) | adwp, stdMet |
4063 | dwp_4063 | dominant wave period (s) | adwp, stdMet |
4064 | mwh_4064 | maximum wave height (m) | adwp |
4063 | wp_peak | peak wave period (s) | adwp, arwp, aqwp |
4062 | wvdir | peak wave direction (degrees true) | adwp, aqwp |
dspec | directional wave energy spectrum (mm2/Hz/degree) | adwp | |
pspec | pressure-derived non-directional wave energy spectrum (mm/Hz1/2) | adwp, aqwp | |
sspec | surface-derived non-directional wave energy spectrum (mm/Hz1/2) | adwp | |
vspec | velocity-derived non-directional wave energy spectrum (mm/Hz1/2) | adwp, aqwp | |
dfreq | Frequency band width (HZ) | aqwp | |
spread | Wave spreading (degrees) | aqwp | |
badBursts | bad ABS bursts | abs | |
1900 | abs_trans*_mean | mean ABS transducer amplitude (ABS units) | abs |
1901 | abs_trans*_mean_sq | mean squared ABS transducer amplitude (ABS units2) | abs |
1902 | abs_trans*_std | standard deviation ABS transducer amplitude (ABS units) | abs |
1903 | abs_trans*_std_sq | standard deviation squared ABS transducer amplitude (ABS units2) | abs |
1904 | abs_trans*_pctl | ABS percentiles (ABS units) | abs |
1905 | abs_trans*_pctl_sq | ABS percentiles squared (ABS units2) | abs |
sonar_image | Imagenex Sonar Image | im |
sc = Seacat variables | pt = pressure variables | ||
mc = Microcat Variables | advvp = ADV water flow variables | ||
adc = ADCP water flow variables | pcvp = PCADP water flow variables | ||
adwp = ADCP wave variables | obs = OBS sediment variables | ||
arc = Argonaut water flow variables | abss = ABS sediment variables | ||
arwp = Argonaut wave variables | im = Rotating sonar variables | ||
aqc = Aquadopp water flow variables | stdMet = standard meteorological variables | ||
aqwp = Aquadopp wave variables | river = river discharge variables |