Northeast Section
Woods Hole, MA 02543
- Ship Name/Owner Operator: R/V CAPE HENLOPEN/Univ. of Delaware
- Cruise No.: CAPE HENLOPEN 94-12 (CH 94-12)
- Project Number: 9470-30051
- Funding Agency: ONR for ship time and USGS for sidescan work
- Area of Operation: Inner shelf off Little Egg Inlet, NJ
Bounds of survey area: 39 26'N - 39 31'N
74 12'W - 74 17'W
- Cruise Dates: 24 - 30 May, 1994
- Chief Scientist: M. Badiey, Univ. of Delaware
- Scientific Party: Mohsen Badiey, Univ. Delaware
4 graduate students, Univ. Delaware
Steve Forsythe, NRL, Orlando
Technician, NRL, Orlando
Dave Twichell, USGS
Ken Parolski, USGS
- Ship's Captain: Matthew Hawkins
- Purpose of Cruise: The purpose of this cruise was to
resurvey a 3 x 7 km area of the inner shelf that was initially
surveyed in June, 1991 with the
100-kHz Klein sidescan sonar system to document changes that have occurred
during the past three years. The study area is the site of a long-term
ecological and oceanographic study that researchers at Rutgers University
are conducting, and this remapping of the seafloor geology directly
contributes to their benthic habitat and sediment transport studies.
The group from the University of Delaware (under Dr. M. Badiey) is
studying shallow water acoustic reverberation, and these sidescan results
provide a more detailed view of the variability of the seafloor geology
and how it changes with time than previously had been available to them.
- Navigation Techniques: Differential GPS
Megapulse Loran-C - recorded on 3.5" diskettes
- Scientific Equipment: Klein 100-kHz sidescan sonar with winch
Odem digital fathometer
DEC workstation for sidescan processing
- Days at Sea: 6
- Page Size Trackchart: Complete survey
- Sidescan Surveys: Location:
Little Egg Inlet
km2: 21
line km: 217
swath width: 100 m per side