- Ship Name/Onwer Operator: MS COASTAL/Coastal Carolina University, Conway, SC
- Cruise No.: 97009
- Project Number:
- Funding Agency: USGS
- Area of Operation: Folly Beach and Isle of Palms, SC
Bounds of survey area:
Latitude: 32.6167N - 32.8N
Longitude: 79.667W - 79.95W
- Cruise Dates: 24 February - 8 March, 1997
- Chief Scientist:
William Schwab
Paul Gayes
- Scientific Party: Bill Schwab - PI (USGS)
Paul Gayes - co-PI (Coastal Carolina University)
Bill Danforth - Data Processing (USGS)
Dave Nichols - Electronic Technician (USGS)
Barry Irwin - Navigation (USGS)
Eric Haas - Scientific Crew (USGS)
Ship's Captain: Richard Goldberg, Coastal Carolina University
- Purpose of Cruise: Image nearshore areas of Charleston(Isle of Palms and Folly
Beach, SC)
- Navigation Techniques: Differential GPS
- Scientific Equipment:
Edgetech DF-1000 100/500 kHz sidescan sonar system
ISIS acquisition system
Ashtech D-GPS navigation
XSONAR processing system
Shipek Grab Sampler
ROXANNE system (Coastal Carolina Univ.) descan sonar
- Days at Sea: 13
- Sidescan Surveys:
Location: Folly Beach and Isle of Palms, SC
line km: NA
swath width: 200