1) Alpha & Omega II at Woods Hole dock.
2) Alpha & Omega II docked at Wods Hole with RV Asterias on the left
Sparker Subbottom Profiling System
1) Sparker
2) Power supply
3) Delph Elics seismic acquisition system
4) Oyo Thermal Printer
1) 15 cu in. water gun and float
2) Air Compressor
3) Mudseis NT seismic acquistion display
4) Delph Elics seismic acquisition computer
5) EPC Thermal Printer
6) 15 cu. in. water gun
1) Datasonics SIS-1000 sidescan-sonar and chirp subbottom tow vehicle
2) Dynacon winch
3) Starboard aft side showing cable (upper right). Sidemount (lower left) for echosounder
and acoustic ranging to the SIS-1000 sidescan-sonar tow vehicle
4) Triton ISIS data acquisition system
5) ISIS display
1) Ashtech GPS and differential receivers (right) and Benthos ranging unit (left)
2) USGS navigation computer for navigation logging and display
3) Hypack navigation display
4) The Cap'n navigation and charting display
5) Sidemount for Benthos ranging transducer and Furuno echosounder
6) Furuno echosounder display
1) Digital Alpha 255 workstation (Digital Unix) for sidescan-sonar processing
2) Digital Alpha workstations (Red Hat Linux) for seismic processing with Seismic Unix
3) Notebook computers for CD-ROM data archival
4) HP 755 CM plotter
Bill Schwab
Bill Danforth
Dave Nichols
Jane Denny
Barry Irwin
Dave Foster
A Toshiba Satellite 320CDT Pentium notebook computer with 4 GB HD, 96 MB RAM, 20X CD, Xircom ethernet adapter, Adaptec SlimSCSI PCMCIA adapter controlling two external Micropolis SCSI hard drives (4 GB), and a Yamaha CRW4260tx. The computer runs on the Windows 95 OS. The CD-ROMs were created using Adaptec Easy CD Creator version 3.01a.