
                           PRE CRUISE INFORMATION

       CRUISE SERIAL NUMBER:       98013
               Ship:               Alpha & Omega II
  Center Principal and Affiliate
        Principal(if any):         William Schwab
        Area of Operations:        New York Bight Apex
       Bounding Coordinates
                            North: 40d40'N
                           South:  40d20'N
                             West: 74d6'W
                            East:  73d6'W
       Start and End Dates:        September 10 - September 23, 1998

       Start and End Ports:        Start: Woods Hole, MA  End: Tom's River, NJ

      Number of Days at Sea:       13

        Cruise Objectives:         High-resolution, geophysical sea-floor
                                   mapping (sidescan-sonar, subbottom, bathy).
                                   The cruise will be immediately followed by
                                   a sampling leg (98020).

      Scientific Party(USGS):      William Schwab, Tom O'Brien, Dave Foster,
                                   Bill Danforth, Jane Denny, Dave Nichols,
                                   Barry Irwin

   Scientific Party(affiliate):

       Scientific Equipment:       SIS-1000, 40 cubic inch water gun
                                   seismic-reflection system, Foruno
                                   dual-frequency subbottom profiler, Digital
                                   data acquisition

      Cruise Funding Source:       EEZ Mapping NY-NJ

Report Date: 17:23 8/18/1998
Submitted by: Bill Schwab


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