98013 |
Alternate Leg or Cruise Number: |
98020 |
Platform: |
Submersible (if any): |
Owner-Operator: |
Captain: |
Tom Manley |
Center Principal and Affiliate Principal(if any): |
Bill Schwab
Area of Operations: |
NY Bight APEX |
Bounding Coordinates |
North: |
40.5833 |
South: |
40.1666 |
West: |
74.0000 |
East: |
73.2500 |
Start and End Dates: |
SEP 10, 1998 to SEP 22, 1998 |
Start and End Ports: |
from Woods Hole, MA to Caven Point, NJ |
Number of Days at Sea: |
13 |
Cruise Objectives: |
High-resolution geophysical sea-floor mapping (sidescan, subbottom, bathy). The cruise
will be immediately followed by a sampling leg (98020) |
Scientific Party(USGS): |
(1st Leg) Bill Schwab, Tom O Brien, Bill Danforth, Dave Foster, Jane Denny, Barry
Irwin, Dave Nichols |
Scientific Party(affiliate): |
Scientific Equipment: |
SIS-1000, Geopulse, 15 cubic inch watergun, minisparker, fathometer, ISIS data acq.,
MUDSEIS data acq., and DELPH ELICS data acq. |
Navigation techniques used: |
Cruise Funding Source: |
SIR/U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, NY District |
Project Title: |
Mapping of EEZ off NY/NJ Metropolitan Area |
Contract: |
W.C. Schwab |
Remarks: |
Tabulated Information: |
Days at Sea: |
13 |
Continuous Data (in Km): |
3000 |
Number of Stations Occupied: |
0 |
Number of Submersible Dives: |
0 |
Station Description: |
Seismic Line Descriptions: |
Track Plot: |
Related Web Sites: |