Field Activity 03SCC03

Identifier 03SCC03
Purpose Sand resource survey
Location Lake Pelto and Timbalier and Terrebonne Bays, Louisiana
Info derived Geophysical data
Comments Digital 03FGS02 FACS logs were generated by K. Calderon in May of 2004 using the hand written FACS logs and personal accounts of the crew members. Alternate names: G-Q2-03-FL
Start (port not specified) 2003-10-21
End (port not specified) 2003-10-22
West -92.9883
East -89.52148438
North 30.87158282
South 28.14500129


Florida Geological Survey
, FL
600 Fourth Street South
St. Petersburg, FL33701-4846
(727) 502-8000
Crew members
Information specialist(s)
Dana S Wiese
Specialist, Information
Affiliate principal Dan Phelps

Data types and categories

Data category: Location-Elevation, Seismics
Data type: Navigation, Boomer, Sub Bottom Profiler

Equipment used

Equipment Usage description Data types Datasets
GPS Navigation (no data reported)
EG&G Geopulse Boomer, Sub Bottom Profiler (no data reported)
ITI ST-5 streamer Air Gun / Water Gun, Boomer, Sparker 1
Chirp 424 Sub Bottom Profiler 1


Datasets produced in this activity

Dataset name Equipment Description Dataset contact
Boomer seismic data ITI ST-5 streamer James G Flocks
Chirp seismic data Chirp 424 James G Flocks


Samples collected during this field activity