Field Activity 04LTS03

Identifier 04LTS03
Alternate names HR_IVAN
Purpose to collect lidar data for the impact zone of hurricane Ivan
Location Alabama, Mississippi and Florida
Start (port not specified) 2004-09-19
End (port not specified) 2004-09-19
West -88.76727819
East -83.9858222
North 30.54030814
South 29.49609113


600 Fourth Street South
St. Petersburg, FL33701-4846
(727) 502-8000
Principal investigators Brock, John
Crew members
Information specialist(s)
Emily S Klipp
Specialist, Information

Data types and categories

Data category: Location-Elevation
Data type: LIDAR

Equipment used

Equipment Usage description Data types Datasets
Digital Camera Photo, Video (no data reported)
Multispectral Color-infrared (CIR) Digital Camera Other Imagery (no data reported)
GPS Navigation (no data reported)
Experimental Advanced Airborne Research LIDAR (EAARL) LIDAR 12


Datasets produced in this activity

Dataset name Equipment Description Dataset contact
04LTS03-LI-pd-13 Experimental Advanced Airborne Research LIDAR (EAARL) Lidar-derived bare earth (BE) topography GIS datasets of Eastern Florida Alexandra M Fredericks
04LTS03-LI-pd-14 Experimental Advanced Airborne Research LIDAR (EAARL) Lidar-derived first surface (FS) topography GIS datasets of Eastern Florida Alexandra M Fredericks Experimental Advanced Airborne Research LIDAR (EAARL) Dune crest, dune toe, shoreline, beach width and beach slope for a lidar survey collected 20040919 Post-Ivan in Mississippi, through Florida Kara S Doran
OFR 2009-1250 geospatial data Experimental Advanced Airborne Research LIDAR (EAARL) Geomorphology and depositional subenvironments of Gulf Islands National Seashore, Mississippi Bob Morton

Datasets compiled from multiple sources

Dataset name Equipment Description Dataset contact
Lidar_Shorelines_1998_2014 Experimental Advanced Airborne Research LIDAR (EAARL) Polyline shapefiles of Mean High Water (MHW) shorelines extracted from lidar elevation data from 1998–2014 Rachel E Henderson
Aerial_Shorelines_1940_2015 Experimental Advanced Airborne Research LIDAR (EAARL) Polyline shapefiles of Wet Dry Line (WDL) shoreline delineated from historical aerial imagery from 1940–2015 Rachel E Henderson
Transects_OpenOcean Experimental Advanced Airborne Research LIDAR (EAARL) Polyline shapefiles of DSAS generated shore normal transects for the open-ocean shoreline of Dauphin Island, with associated rates of change for three shoreline analyses: Lidar shoreline change (1998–2014), Aerial shoreline change (1940–2015), and combined Lidar and Aerial shoreline change (1940–2015) Rachel E Henderson
Transects_BackBarrier Experimental Advanced Airborne Research LIDAR (EAARL) Polyline shapefiles of DSAS generated shore normal transects for the back-barrier shoreline of Dauphin Island, with associated rates of change for three shoreline analyses: Lidar shoreline change (1998–2014), Aerial shoreline change (1940–2015), and combined Lidar and Aerial shoreline change (1940–2015) Rachel E Henderson
Baseline_OpenOcean Experimental Advanced Airborne Research LIDAR (EAARL) Open-ocean offshore baseline for generating shore-normal transects in DSAS Rachel E Henderson
Baseline_BackBarrier Experimental Advanced Airborne Research LIDAR (EAARL) Back-barrier offshore baseline for generating shore-normal transects in DSAS Rachel E Henderson
Lidar_Footprints_Merged Experimental Advanced Airborne Research LIDAR (EAARL) Merged footprint of all lidar data published by the USGS SPCMSC since 2001 Breanna N Williams
Lidar_Footprints_Individual Experimental Advanced Airborne Research LIDAR (EAARL) Individual footprints of lidar data published by the USGS SPCMSC since 2001 Breanna N Williams


Samples collected during this field activity