Field Activity 2022-671-FA

Identifier 2022-671-FA
Alternate names Sunset State Beach camera GCP work
Purpose Remote sensing coastal change; shoreline change, nearshore sandbar evolution, river mouth bar morphology
Location Sunset State Beach, Santa Cruz county, California
Summary Collected one image for each GCP. The GCP consisted of a black and white target on a 4'x4' sheet of pegboard. The reference point for the GCPs is the bottom of the target on the sand at the vertical black/white line of the tarp (not the center of the target on the "X").
Info derived Positions of GCPs for camera calibration.
Comments Entries for this field activity are based on entries from Field Activity 2022-659-FA.
on foot
survey conducted on foot
Start Santa Cruz, CA 2022-12-05
End Santa Cruz, CA 2022-12-06
Days in the field 1
West -121.84206963
East -121.82361603
North 36.89698855
South 36.8785221


2885 Mission Street
Santa Cruz, CA95060
(831) 460-7401
Principal investigators Erickson, Li
Crew members
Jackson E Currie
Scientist, Staff
Gerald Hatcher
Scientist, Staff
Evan T Dailey
Scientist, Staff
Information specialist(s)
Joshua Logan
Specialist, Information

Data types and categories

Data category: Imagery, Location-Elevation
Data type: Photo, Navigation

Equipment used

Equipment Usage description Data types Datasets
camera Photo (no data reported)
navigation Navigation (no data reported)


Samples collected during this field activity