Field Activity 09ACH03

Identifier 09ACH03
Alternate names H20091204
Purpose Collect Oblique Aerial Photos after Nor-easter Ida.
Location Ocean City, MD to Cape Hatteras, NC.
Summary Oblique Aerial Photos collected. No GPS or Video was collected due to USCG rules.
Info derived Colllect Oblique Aerial Photos
Comments Because of the new USCG T-cockpit configuration (glass cockpit), no electronic gear associated with our GPS and video gear was allowed on board. We only had the 12 volt car battery box and one Nikon D1X DSLR. Still data were recorded on 2 Gb flash cards in the Nikon D1X. Only JPG images were collected. Images geo-referenced in post processing.
Helicopter (SP)
Start US Coast Guard Air Station, Elizabeth City, NC 2009-12-04
End US Coast Guard Air Station, Elizabeth City, NC 2009-12-04
West -76.6378
East -73.38910439
North 38.31999195
South 34.88652899


600 Fourth Street South
St. Petersburg, FL33701-4846
(727) 502-8000
Principal investigators M. Dennis KrohnKaren L M Morgan
Crew members
Kristy Guy
Scientist, Staff
M. Dennis Krohn
Scientist, Staff
Karen L M Morgan
Scientist, Staff
Information specialist(s)
Kristy Guy
Specialist, Information

Data types and categories

Data category: Imagery, Location-Elevation
Data type: Photo, Navigation

Equipment used

Equipment Usage description Data types Datasets
Digital Camera Photo, Video 1
GPS Navigation 2


Datasets produced in this activity

Dataset name Equipment Description Dataset contact
DS 930 photos Digital Camera oblique aerial photography NorIda Karen L M Morgan
ds930_09ach03 GPS photopath navigation data Karen L M Morgan
ds930_09ach03_1204_estimatedGPS GPS estimated gps navigation Karen L M Morgan


Samples collected during this field activity