09CCT04-BA-pd-5 |
Ashtech Z-Xtreme DGPS |
Trackline shapefiles for single-beam and swath bathymetry |
Arnell S Forde |
09CCT04-SE-pd-1 |
Ashtech Z-Xtreme DGPS |
Chirp 512i data navigation |
Arnell S Forde |
09CCT04-BA-pd-1 |
Interferometric Bathymetry System |
bathymetric (single-beam and swath) grid as GeoTiff, 50-m resolution |
Nancy T DeWitt |
09CCT04-BA-pd-2 |
Interferometric Bathymetry System |
bathymetric (single-beam and swath) grid in ascii format, 50-m resolution |
Arnell S Forde |
09CCT04-BA-pd-3 |
Interferometric Bathymetry System |
bathymetric (single-beam and swath) grid in point format, 50-m resolution |
Arnell S Forde |
09CCT04-BA-pd-4 |
Interferometric Bathymetry System |
Data Series 675 GIS dataset |
Arnell S Forde |
2008_2009_MS_NAD83NAVD88g12B_50m.zip |
Interferometric Bathymetry System |
Interpolated DEM |
Noreen A Buster |
2008_2009_MS_NAD83NAVD88g12B_XYZ.zip |
Interferometric Bathymetry System |
updated elevation point data (xyz) in which NOAA's Vdatum version 3.6 was used convert the 2008-2009 XYZ soundings to Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83) horizontal datum and North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88) GEOID12B vertical datum |
Noreen A Buster |
2008to2009minus1916to1920_MS_ NAD83NAVD88g12B_50m.zip |
Interferometric Bathymetry System |
bathymetric change digital elevation model (DEM) observed between the 1916-1920 and 2008-2009 bathymetry |
Noreen A Buster |
2016minus2008to2009_MS_ NAD83NAVD88g12B_50m.zip |
Interferometric Bathymetry System |
Elevation change as a DEM, bathymetric change digital elevation model (DEM) observed between the 2008-2009 and 2016 bathymetry |
Noreen A Buster |
09CCT04-SE-pd-2 |
Chirp 512i |
Chirp 512i data profiles |
Arnell S Forde |
09CCT04-SE-pd-3 |
Chirp 512i |
Chirp 512i data GIS |
Arnell S Forde |
09CCT04-SE-pd-4 |
Chirp 512i |
Chirp 512i data GeoMapApp |
Arnell S Forde |
09CCT04-SE-pd-5 |
Chirp 512i |
Chirp 512i data processed AGC SEGY |
Arnell S Forde |