Field Activity 09CCT04

Identifier 09CCT04
Purpose To create a complete modern topobathymetric map of the Mississippi barrier islands from Cat Island to Dauphin Island. Data to provide information for the following: sediment budget; assessment of immediate sand resources in the region, modern geologic framework; historical island change measurements; base-level assessment of the seafloor since the 2005 hurricane season
Location Horn Island, MS to Dauphin Island, AL
Info derived Submetrix swath bathymetry data; shallow sub-botom image profiles, high precision single beam bathymetry (X, Y, Z)
Comments Additional Equipment: Knudsen 320 bathy profiler.
G.K. Gilbert
Start Pascagoula, Mississippi 2009-06-13
End Pascagoula, Mississippi 2009-06-27
West -89.7569
East -87.30690322
North 30.70373046
South 29.64846817
Topic 14
Marine operations Yes


600 Fourth Street South
St. Petersburg, FL33701-4846
(727) 502-8000
Principal investigators James G Flocks
Crew members
James G Flocks
Scientist, Staff
Young, Richard
Scientist, Staff
David H Bennett
Scientist, Staff
Dana S Wiese
Scientist, Staff
Information specialist(s)
Nancy T DeWitt
Specialist, Information
Dana S Wiese
Specialist, Information

Data types and categories

Data category: Location-Elevation, Seismics, Sonar
Data type: Navigation, Transects, Sub Bottom Profiler, Interferometric, Multibeam, Single Beam

Equipment used

Equipment Usage description Data types Datasets
Knudsen Marine Echosounder 320 Single Beam (no data expected)
Choke Ring Antenna Benchmarks, Navigation (no data expected)
Ashtech Z-Xtreme DGPS Benchmarks, Navigation 2
Interferometric Bathymetry System Interferometric 8
Chirp 512i Sub Bottom Profiler 4


Datasets produced in this activity

Dataset name Equipment Description Dataset contact
09CCT04-BA-pd-5 Ashtech Z-Xtreme DGPS Trackline shapefiles for single-beam and swath bathymetry Arnell S Forde
09CCT04-SE-pd-1 Ashtech Z-Xtreme DGPS Chirp 512i data navigation Arnell S Forde
09CCT04-BA-pd-1 Interferometric Bathymetry System bathymetric (single-beam and swath) grid as GeoTiff, 50-m resolution Nancy T DeWitt
09CCT04-BA-pd-2 Interferometric Bathymetry System bathymetric (single-beam and swath) grid in ascii format, 50-m resolution Arnell S Forde
09CCT04-BA-pd-3 Interferometric Bathymetry System bathymetric (single-beam and swath) grid in point format, 50-m resolution Arnell S Forde
09CCT04-BA-pd-4 Interferometric Bathymetry System Data Series 675 GIS dataset Arnell S Forde Interferometric Bathymetry System Interpolated DEM Noreen A Buster Interferometric Bathymetry System updated elevation point data (xyz) in which NOAA's Vdatum version 3.6 was used convert the 2008-2009 XYZ soundings to Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83) horizontal datum and North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88) GEOID12B vertical datum Noreen A Buster
2008to2009minus1916to1920_MS_ Interferometric Bathymetry System bathymetric change digital elevation model (DEM) observed between the 1916-1920 and 2008-2009 bathymetry Noreen A Buster
2016minus2008to2009_MS_ Interferometric Bathymetry System Elevation change as a DEM, bathymetric change digital elevation model (DEM) observed between the 2008-2009 and 2016 bathymetry Noreen A Buster
09CCT04-SE-pd-2 Chirp 512i Chirp 512i data profiles Arnell S Forde
09CCT04-SE-pd-3 Chirp 512i Chirp 512i data GIS Arnell S Forde
09CCT04-SE-pd-4 Chirp 512i Chirp 512i data GeoMapApp Arnell S Forde
09CCT04-SE-pd-5 Chirp 512i Chirp 512i data processed AGC SEGY Arnell S Forde


Samples collected during this field activity