Field Activity 12BIM01

Identifier 12BIM01
Purpose Berm: The goal of this study is to assemble a baseline value of the sediment properties of the dynamic Chandeleur Island E4 Berm in order to track movement temporally, and to contribute to current and future modeling efforts. Marsh: Overall Goal 1) Evaluate if the berm or original barrier island sediment (primarily sand) are being sequestered in back-barrier environments (marshes and flats) or bypassing the system 2) Evaluate whether the berm emplacement influenced sedimentation in the back-barrier environments Specific Objectives and Tasks 1) Quantify recent (
Location Chandeleur Islands, LA and Vicinity
Summary Actual number of grab samples and other sampling methods are yet to be determined.
Info derived Grain Size
Comments Green suburban will possibly be needed.
Glacier Bay Cat Boat
Aka RV Survey Cat or Cat Boat
Ford F-350 Dually White (GSA)
White Dodge Pickup - White
Start St. Petersburg, FL 2012-03-21
End St. Petersburg, FL 2012-03-28
West -89.0977
East -87.90016527
North 30.13846374
South 29.29860296


600 Fourth Street South
St. Petersburg, FL33701-4846
(727) 502-8000
Principal investigators James G FlocksChristopher G Smith
Crew members
Marci E Marot
Scientist, Staff
Julie C Bernier
Scientist, Staff
Kyle W Kelso
Scientist, Staff
Information specialist(s)
Julie C Bernier
Specialist, Information
Kyle W Kelso
Specialist, Information

Data types and categories

Data category: Imagery, Location-Elevation, Sampling
Data type: Photo, Navigation, Geology

Equipment used

Equipment Usage description Data types Datasets
Camera, Digital, Hand Held Photo (no data reported)
GPS Navigation 2
Ashtech Z-Xtreme DGPS Benchmarks, Navigation (no data reported)
Bottom Grab Sampler Biology, Geology (no data reported)
Push Corer Geology 18
Surface grab sampler Biology, Geology 1
Core Barrels Geology (no data expected)


Datasets produced in this activity

Dataset name Equipment Description Dataset contact
GIS_Core_Locations GPS marsh and back-barrier push cores GIS dataset Christopher G Smith
Site_Locations.xlsx GPS Push-core locations Marci E Marot
12BIM01_Core-Logs Push Corer berm push core logs Kyle W Kelso
12BIM01_Core-Photos Push Corer berm push core photos Kyle W Kelso
12BIM01_Core-X-Rays Push Corer berm push core xrays Kyle W Kelso
12BIM01-___grainsize Push Corer berm push core GRADISTAT files Christopher G Smith
12BIM01_samplesites Push Corer berm push core and grab sample locations Kyle W Kelso
Core_Data_Plots Push Corer marsh and back-barrier push core plots Christopher G Smith Push Corer Sediment core data plots Marci E Marot
Core_Location_Tables Push Corer marsh and back-barrier push cores sample locations Christopher G Smith
DS_Chan2012_sediment-GIS Push Corer berm push cores and grab sample GIS dataset Kyle W Kelso
Foraminiferal_Data Push Corer marsh and back-barrier push cores foram counts Christopher G Smith
Grain_Size_Data Push Corer marsh and back-barrier push cores grain size analyses Christopher G Smith
Grain_Size_Data.xlsx Push Corer Grain-size data Marci E Marot Push Corer Grain-size run statistics Marci E Marot
grainsize_summary-statistics Push Corer berm cores grain size analyses Kyle W Kelso
Physical_Parameter_Data Push Corer marsh and back-barrier push cores physical parameters Christopher G Smith
Physical_Parameter_Data.xlsx Push Corer Physical parameter data Marci E Marot
Radiochemistry_Data Push Corer marsh and back-barrier push cores radiochemistry Christopher G Smith
Radiochemistry_Data.xlsx Push Corer Radiochemistry data Marci E Marot
12BIM01_surface grab_grainsize Surface grab sampler Grab samples grain size analyses Kyle W Kelso


Samples collected during this field activity