1. Measure distribution of temperature and salinity in the vicinity of Georges Bank and along the shelf west of Georges Bank to acquire a synoptic picture of the regional density field to aid in interpretation of current meter records and to study mixing and transport in the Georges Bank region of the New England Continental Shelf. 2. Measure the distribution of suspended matter using optical techniques in the vicinity of Georges Bank and along the shelf west of Georges Bank. Collect and filter water samples to calibrate the optical sensor and to determine the composition of suspended material. These measurements are designed to study seston flux in the region. 3. Recover USGS moorings 107, 108, 109, 110, and 111. 4. Deploy USGS mooring 115.
Georges Bank, North Atlantic Bight, United States, North America, North Atlantic;
Moorings recovered: 5 (#107, 109 and 110 deployed FA 76008 HORNBEAM Mar. 29-31, 1976; #108 and 111 deployed FA 76006 HORNBEAM Mar. 8-11, 1976). Mooring deployed: 1 (#115 recovered FA 76047 OCEANUS 17 Dec. 3-10, 1976). CTD profiles: 111; XBT profiles: 142; Surface water (salinity) samples: 242; Deep calibration (temp. and salinity) samples: 96; Transmissometer profiles: 70; Suspended matter water samples: 186.
Info derived
Time series data; Suspended sediment concentrations;
Original Center People field contained: Brad Butman - co-Ch. Sci.; Dave Folger - co-Ch. Sci.; Mike Bothner - geologist, Randy Fabro - phys. sci. tech., Marlene Noble - physicist.
Project = Sediment Dynamics, Sediment Dynamics
Randy Fabro - phys. sci. tech.; WHOI: Robert C. Beardsley - co-Ch. Sci., John A. Vermersch - research assoc., John Milliman - assoc. sci., Carol Parmenter - research assist., Richard Limeburner - student; Eliason Data Services: Andrew Eliason; MIT: Frederick Faller - student
Chief Scientist's cruise report of ship movement, personnel, equipment and data acquisition. Includes trackmaps with mooring locations as well as diagram of mooring layout.