This cruise was part of a continuing study of currents and sediment transport on the United States East Coast Continental Shelf. Objectives were to: recover 1 tripod and 3 current moorings; deploy 4 tripods and 3 current moorings; repair/replace surface buoys; obtain grab samples at mooring locations, obtain gravity cores at selected sites; conduct temperature/salinity surveys and collect suspended matter samples for talc analyses; and conduct a sidescan survey of large-scale bedforms on Georges Bank.
Mid-Atlantic Shelf, Mud Patch, Georges Bank, Georges Shoal, Little Georges, Great South Channel, United States, North America, North Atlantic;
Moorings recovered: 4; Georges Bank: #171 (deployed FA 79002 OCEANUS 56 Mar. 6-15, 1979); 174 and 175 (both deployed FA 79004 OCEANUS 58 Mar. 27-29, 1979); Mid-Atlantic: #172 (deployed FA 79002 OCEANUS 056 Mar. 6-15, 1979). Moorings deployed: 7; Georges Bank: #176 (recovered FA 79035 OCEANUS 77 Dec. 13-20, 1979); 178 (recovered FA 80001 WHITEFOOT Jan. 3-23, 1980); 181 and 182 (both recovered FA 79035 OCEANUS 77 Dec. 13-20, 1979); Mid-Atlantic: #177 (recovered FA 80001 WHITEFOOT Jan. 3-23, 1980), 179 (recovered FA 79035 OCEANUS 77 Dec. 13-20, 1979), 180 (recovered FA 80001 WHITEFOOT Jan. 3-23, 1980, surface buoy gone, mooring lost). Klein Sidescan, Uniboom survey: Georges Shoal, Little Georges, Great South Channel; Hydrographic stations: 59; XBT: 28; CTD: 23; Surface salinity: 47; Grab samples: 12; Gravity cores: 3; Suspended matter (talc): 15.
Info derived
Time series data; Samples and chemical analysis; Grain size analysis; Suspended sediment concentrations; Sea floor map;
Original Center People field contained: Brad Butman - Ch. Sci.; Jim Howley, Nicholas Lefteriou, John Moody, Marlene Noble, Carol Parmenter, Stephanie Pfirman, Richard Rendigs, Polly Shoukimas, William Strahle, John West.
Chief Scientist's daily log of ship movement, equipment and data acquisition notes, station locations and data acquired at each station, personnel activities, bridge log of navigation, and trackmaps.