Field Activity 1982-020-FA

Identifier 1982-020-FA
Alternate names OC122
Purpose 1. Recover current moorings in Lydonia and Oceanographer Canyons. 2. Deploy current moorings in Lydonia Canyon and Lease Block 312. 3. Obtain surface grab samples on shelf and slope adjacent to Lydonia and Oceanographer Canyons. 4. Obtain hydrostatically damped cores at Lease Blocks 312 and 410 and head of Lydonia Canyon. 5. Obtain piston cores at head of Lydonia Canyon. 6. Conduct hydrographic survey of shelf and slope adjacent to Lydonia and Oceanographer Canyons. 7. Recover and redeploy surface marker buoys as required. 8. Conduct bathymetric survey in Lydonia Canyon.
Location Lydonia Canyon, Oceanographer Canyon, Georges Bank, United States, North America, North Atlantic;
Summary Multiple samples taken. Surface buoys recovered: 6. Surface buoys deployed: 6. Moorings recovered: 13 (Lydonia Canyon #240, 241, 242, 251, 247, 243, 244, 245, 246; Oceanographers Canyon #248, 249, 250, #255 dragged. Mooring #253 lost; #254 recovered by fisherman on BEAUFORT SEA HORSE. Moorings deployed: 6 (Lydonia Canyon, #257 recovered FA 82043 WHITEFOOT Aug. 12, 1982; #258, 259, 260, 261, 262 all recovered FA 82037 OCEANUS 130 Nov. 9-16, 1982).
Comments Original Center People field contained: Brad Butman; Mike Bothner; Ethan Bleifus; John Larson; John Moody; Frank Musialowski; Marlene Noble; Carol Parmenter; Mary Polly Shoukimas; William Strahle. Information from Foghorn: NBIS CTD with LED transmissometer;XBT;Gifft echo sounder;Hydrostatically damped corer;Piston core;0.04m2 Van Veen Grab;
Related activities
1982-001-FA: Deployment-recovery
1982-037-FA: Deployment-recovery
1982-043-FA: Deployment-recovery
Length 177 feet; beam 33 feet; draft 17.5 feet.
Start Woods Hole, MA 1982-07-06
End Woods Hole, MA 1982-07-15
Days in the field 10
West -68.4833
East -67.00917
North 41
South 40.24167


384 Woods Hole Road
Quissett Campus
Woods Hole, MA02543-1598
(508) 548-8700
Principal investigators Bradford Butman
Crew members
Marlene A Noble
Scientist, Staff
Michael Bothner
Scientist, Staff
Bradford Butman
Scientist, Staff
John Moody
Scientist, Staff
Parmenter, Carol M.
Scientist, Staff
Larson, John
Scientist, Staff
William J. Strahle
Scientist, Staff
Hastings, Mary E.
Scientist, Staff
Affiliate staff Ethan Bleifus; Frank Musialowski; Andrew Eliason - Eliason Data Services; Eben Franks - WHOI

Data types and categories

Data category: Biological Field Study, Environmental Data, Imagery, Location-Elevation, Sampling, Sonar, Time Series
Data type: Experiments (biological), CTD, Temperature, Photo, Navigation, Geology, Single Beam, Mooring (physical oceanography)

Documents: Notes and log books

Name Description
Cruise report Chief Scientist's cruise report including personnel, equipment configuration, data acquisition notes, cruise narrative, grab sample identifiers and locations, mooring locations, hydrographic (CTD and XBT) and bathymetric surveys, track maps, and bridge Loran log.


RCV:240,241,242,243,244,245,246,247,248,249,250,251,255; DEP:257,258,259,260,261,262;

Equipment used

Equipment Usage description Data types Datasets
Gravity corer Hydrostatically dampened corer. Geology (no data reported)
XBT Temperature (no data reported)
Echosounder Single Beam 2
Piston corer Geology (no data reported)
Van Veen grab sampler Geology (no data reported)
CTD - generic CTD 1
Camera- deep sea Photo 1
Northstar 6000 LORAN-C Navigation 1
Bottom platform Mooring (physical oceanography) 2


Datasets produced in this activity

Dataset name Equipment Description Dataset contact
1982-020-FA-BA-001 Echosounder Digital tape(s) of CTD STATION DATA, NV, NV-BT, CTD-RAW DATA, Nancy K. Soderberg
1982-020-FA-SE-001 Echosounder Collection of paper record displays of seismic data( 12K) for lines Nancy K. Soderberg
1982-020-FA-OM-001 CTD - generic Digital tape(s) of CTD STATION DATA, NV, NV-BT, CTD-RAW DATA, Nancy K. Soderberg
1982-020-FA-PH-001 Camera- deep sea film collection of TRIPOD 257; 19820708-19820812 Nancy K. Soderberg
1982-020-FA-LN-001 Northstar 6000 LORAN-C Digital tape(s) of CTD STATION DATA, NV, NV-BT, CTD-RAW DATA, Nancy K. Soderberg
1982-020-FA-OM-002 Bottom platform Lydonia Canyon mooring data Ellyn Montgomery
1982-020-FA-OM-003 Bottom platform Oceanographer Canyon mooring data Ellyn Montgomery


Samples collected during this field activity