The OCEANUS cruise was part of a continuing study of the hydrography, circulation and sediment transport in the Gulf of Maine. The specific objectives of the cruise were to: 1) Conduct a detailed hydrographic survey of the Gulf of Maine; 2) Recover 2 moorings in the Northeast Channel; 3) Deploy 1 subsurface mooring in Rodgers Pass; and 4) Deploy instrumentation (3 tripods, 1 subsurface mooring and 3 surface buoys) in Massachusetts Bay.
Rodgers Pass, Wilkinson Basin, Jordan Basin, Northeast Channel, Boston Harbor, Massachusetts Bay, Massachusetts, Gulf of Maine, United States, North America, North Atlantic;
Moorings deployed: 7 (#317, 318, and 319 recovered FA 87011 MARY LOUISE Apr. 8-10, 1987; #320, 321, and 322, recovered FA 87020 WHITE HEATH May 12, 1987; and #323 recovered this cruise. Moorings recovered: 4 (#323 deployed this cruise; UNH buoy adrift - recovered lower half; Brookhaven instrument package; surface buoy N1). Non-responsive mooring: 1 (#314 deployed FA 86017 GYRE Aug. 21 - Sep. 2, 1986). CTD stations: 95; Suspended sediment samples: 282; Oxygen samples: 92.
Info derived
Time series data; Suspended sediment concentrations;
Original Center People field contained: Brad Butman (Ch. Sci.), John Moody, Richard Rendigs, Mary Polly Shoukimas, William Strahle.
Wendell Brown (UNH); Karen Garrison (UNH); Daniel Howard (UNH); Charlie Flagg (Brookhaven Nat'l Lab); William Behrens (Brookhaven Nat'l Lab); Andrew Eliason (Eliason Data Services); Dana Wiese (WHOI)