This cruise was conducted as part of the sediment transport project of the California OCS Phase II Monitoring Program. The objectives of the cruise were to: 1) conduct a sidescan sonar survey at three locations (in the vicinity of regional stations R8, PJ1, and R9, stations A, B and C, respectively); 2) deploy subsurface current moorings at these three sites; 3) deploy GEOPROBES at stations A and B; 4) collect box cores for detailed sediment analysis; and 5) conduct a hydrographic and suspended matter survey on three cross-slope transects.
Point Sal, Ventura, California, United States, North America, North Pacific;
All major objectives of the R/V SPROUL cruise were accomplished despite temporary failure of the sidescan and CTD systems. The sidescan sonar survey revealed several interesting features. The sea floor around Station R8 was generally featureless. Around the site-specific sampling array, numerous trawl marks and whale gouges were observed. Numerous large pits, 5-10 m diameter, were observed at Station R9 as well as trawl marks. The pits may be caused by shallow gas. Moorings deployed: 3 (#324, recovered FA 87038 ALOHA Sep. 14-17, 1987; #325 and 326, no recovery information).
Info derived
Time series data; Samples and chemical analysis; Grain size analysis; Suspended sediment concentrations;
USGS-Menlo Park: Dave Drake, George Tate, Rick Vale, Jim Nicholson; WHOI: Cheryl Ann Butman, Chris Webb; Minerals Management Service: Gary Brewer; Battelle, Ventura, CA: Jim Campbell; International Underwater Contractors: Bill Crowley
Chief Scientist's report including personnel, summary and highlights, daily narrative, table of mooring deployment locations, hydrographic station locations, core locations, and trackmap.