Field Activity 1992-008-FA

Identifier 1992-008-FA
Alternate names W9-92
Purpose Conduct long-term monitoring of currents, sediment transport, and physical/chemical characteristics of sediments in western Massachusetts Bay. LNB Buoy: 42d22.63N, 70d47.07W. Tripod 396. LNB Buoy: 42d22.61N, 70d46.96W. Subsurface Moorings 3971 and 3972 (2 VMCM, Seacat). LNB Buoy: 42d22.63N, 70d47.07W. Tripod 4001. LNB Buoy: 42d22.6092N, 70d46.9614W. Subsurface 4011 and 4012 (2 VMCM, 3 Seacat).
Location Massachusetts Bay, Massachusetts, United States, North America, North Atlantic,
Summary Moorings recovered: 2 (#396 and 397 deployed FA 92002 WHITE HEATH Feb. 11-12, 1992). Moorings deployed: 2 (#400 and 401 recovered FA 92026 WHITE HEATH Oct. 20-21, 1992).
Info derived Time series data; Samples and chemical analysis; Suspended sediment concentrations;
Comments Currents and sediment transport measurements will be made with moored equipment. Information derived from pre-field activity report and mooring log. Original Center People field contained: Mike Bothner, Marinna Martini, Chuck Mason, Carol Parmenter, Craig Peters, Richard Rendigs, William Strahle.
White Heath
Length: 133 feet; Beam: 30 feet.
Start Boston, MA 1992-06-02
End Boston, MA 1992-06-02
Days in the field 1
West -70.8
East -70.7
North 42.4
South 42.3


384 Woods Hole Road
Quissett Campus
Woods Hole, MA02543-1598
(508) 548-8700
Principal investigators Michael Bothner
Crew members
Michael Bothner
Scientist, Staff
Richard R Rendigs
Scientist, Staff
Marinna A Martini
Scientist, Staff
Mason, Chuck
Scientist, Staff
Parmenter, Carol M.
Scientist, Staff
William J. Strahle
Scientist, Staff
Affiliate staff Craig Peters

Data types and categories

Data category: Imagery, Sampling, Time Series
Data type: Photo, Geology, Mooring (physical oceanography)


RCV:396,397; DEP:400,401;

Equipment used

Equipment Usage description Data types Datasets
Camera- deep sea Photo 1
Sediment traps Geology (no data reported)
Bottom platform Mooring (physical oceanography) 1


Datasets produced in this activity

Dataset name Equipment Description Dataset contact
1992-008-FA-PH-001 Camera- deep sea film collection of TRIPOD 400; 19920602-19921020 Nancy K. Soderberg
1992-008-FA-OM-001 Bottom platform Western Mass Bay mooring data Ellyn Montgomery


Samples collected during this field activity