Recover tripod #400 and moorings #401 and 402, and deploy tripod #407 and surface mooring and near surface current meter #408 at LNB Boston. Collect sediment samples with hydraulically damped corer and Van Veen grab sampler.
Massachusetts Bay, Massachusetts, United States, North America, North Atlantic,
Moorings recovered: 3 (#400 and 401, both deployed FA 92008 WHITE HEATH Jun. 2, 1992, and #402 deployed FA 92032 WHITE HEATH Jun. 15-16, 1992). Moorings deployed: 2 (#407 and 408, both recovered FA 93002 WHITE HEATH Feb. 17-18, 1993; part of #408 recovered FA 93003 ASTERIAS Feb. 25-26, 1993).
Info derived
Time series data; Samples and chemical analysis; Suspended sediment concentrations;
Information derived from pre-field activity report and mooring log. Original Center People field contained: Mike Bothner, Beth Gier, Joan Brazier, Marinna Martini, Carol Parmenter, Craig Peters, Richard Rendigs, William Strahle.
Information from Foghorn: hydraulically damped corer, Van Veen grab sampler, time-series sediment trap/suspended matter sampler, 8 tube traps, 1 Anderson trap;