Recover 2 tethered surface current meters (#398 and 399) from Palos Verdes Shelf, Sites A and B. Deploy 4 tethered surface moorings (#403, 404, 405 and 406) at Sites A, B, C and D.
Palos Verdes Shelf, California, United States, North America, North Pacific;
Moorings recovered: 2 (#398 and 399, both deployed FA 92031 GLORITA May 20-21, 1992). Moorings deployed: 4 (#403, 404 and 406 recovered FA 92036 ROBERT GORDON SPROUL Sep. 26 - Oct. 1, 1992; #405 recovered FA 92039 ROBERT GORDON SPROUL Dec. 9 - Dec. 10, 1992).
Info derived
Time series data;
No field activity reports; information derived from mooring log.