Field Activity 1995-004-FA

Identifier 1995-004-FA
Purpose Conduct a sidescan sonar, bathymetry, and high-resolution sub-bottom survey of an 8 by 6.5 nautical mile area of the shoreface and inner West Florida shelf offshore Sarasota, Florida.
Location West Florida inner continental shelf, Florida, Gulf of Mexico, United States, North America, North Atlantic;
Length 71 feet; beam 20 feet.
Start St. Petersberg, FL 1995-05-02
End St. Petersberg, FL 1995-05-08
Days in the field 7
West -82.7032
East -82.53204
North 27.42283
South 27.29735


384 Woods Hole Road
Quissett Campus
Woods Hole, MA02543-1598
(508) 548-8700
Principal investigators David C Twichell
Crew members
VeeAnn A. Cross
Scientist, Staff
Kenneth Parolski
Scientist, Staff
Affiliate staff Sean Leathem - USGS-St. Pete; Scott Harrison - USF-St. Pete; Nancy DeWitt - Eckerd College; Jim Edwards - USF-St. Pete; Katie Kowalski - USF-Tampa; Stefan Ioannou - U. Toronto

Data types and categories

Data category: Location-Elevation, Sonar, Seismics, Sampling
Data type: Navigation, Sidescan, Single Beam, Sub Bottom Profiler, Biology, Geology

Documents: Notes and log books

Name Description
Cruise report Chief Scientist's report including personnel, purpose, equipment, tabulated information, cruise summary, seismic and sidescan sonar line list, sample locations, and trackmap.
Cruise log Chief Scientist's cruise log including seismic and sample information with acquisition notes and observations.
Q-Mips log Q-Mips logs containing line and file numbers, times, and data acquisition notes.
Navigation log DGPS Navigation printout with handwritten notation of sample locations.

Equipment used

Equipment Usage description Data types Datasets
DGPS Navigation 2
Klein 531 sidescan Sidescan 2
Q-MIPS sidescan sonar system Sidescan (no data reported)
Odom Digitrace 200kHz Single Beam (no data reported)
3.5 kHz Sub Bottom Profiler 1
Grab sampler Biology, Geology (no data reported)


Datasets produced in this activity

Dataset name Equipment Description Dataset contact
1995-004-FA-LN-001 DGPS Navigation trackline plot for field activity 95004 Nancy K. Soderberg
1995-004-FA-LN-002 DGPS Floppy disk(s) containing NAV-DGPSL1-7, NAV-DGPSL7-14, NAV-DGPSL14-16, NAV-DGPSL17-18, NAV-DGPSL18-19, NAV-DGPSL19-27, NAV-DGPSL27-36, NAV-DGPSL36-48, NAV-DGPSL48, NAV-DGPSL48-51, NAV-DGPSL51-60, NAV-DGPSDAMAGED, NAV-DGPSL60-67, NAV-DGPSL67-68, NAV-DGPSL68-77, NAV-EDITD1-6, NAV-EDITD7-10, NAV-EDITD11-14, Nancy K. Soderberg
1995-004-FA-SO-001 Klein 531 sidescan Collection of paper record displays of sidescan sonar data for lines Nancy K. Soderberg
1995-004-FA-SO-002 Klein 531 sidescan Digital tape(s) of SSS TEST, SSS L1-5, SSS L6-13, SSS L14-23, SSS L24-29, SSS L30-34, SSS L35-39, SSS L40-48, SSS L49-53, SSS L54-58, SSS L59-63, SSS L64-65, SSS L65-69, SSS L70-77, Nancy K. Soderberg
1995-004-FA-SE-001 3.5 kHz microfilm of DIGITAL SSS NOT MICROFILMED Nancy K. Soderberg


Samples collected during this field activity