Field Activity 1998-062-FA

Identifier 1998-062-FA
Alternate names OC328-2A
Purpose This is the last in the ECOHAB-GOM project cruises for 1998 to study ecology and oceanography of toxic Alexandrium blooms in the Gulf of Maine. Purpose is to recover instrument surface mooring array deployed earlier in the year along the Maine coast and southwest corner of Nova Scotia. Seven surface moorings and 1 tripod (#521) will be recovered. Other scientific activities will include an intensive hydrographic survey including >200 CTD/rosette casts, net tows, submersible pump lowerings, small diameter gravity cores and ADCP data collection.
Location Jordan Basin, Gulf of Maine, Maine, United States, North America, North Atlantic;
Summary Moorings recovered: 2 (#520 and 521 deployed FA 98025 OCEANUS Mar. 30 - Apr. 3, 1998).
Info derived Time series data; Samples and chemical analysis; Grain size analysis;
Comments University of Maine cruise; recovered USGS moorings #520 and 521. No USGS personnel aboard. Project = ECOHAB-GOM, ECOHAB-GOM
Length 177 feet; beam 33 feet; draft 17.5 feet.
Start Portland, ME 1998-08-06
End Portland, ME 1998-08-16
Days in the field 10
West -67.7
East -67.6
North 44.55
South 43.5


384 Woods Hole Road
Quissett Campus
Woods Hole, MA02543-1598
(508) 548-8700
Principal investigators Marinna A Martini
Crew members
Affiliate principal David Townsend - U. Maine
Affiliate staff U. Maine: David Townsend - Ch. Sci., Neal Pettigrew, John Wallinga, Robert Stessel, Keska Kemper; NOAA/NMF: Wendy Milligan; UNH: Rebecca Clauss, Jill Torregiani; UMass/Dartmouth: John Kieser, Jefferson Turner; Vigo U.: Isabel Estraviz; U. Wisconsin: Anni Ala; WHOI: Rochelle Ugstad; Bigelow Lab: Mary Ann Brainard

Data types and categories

Data category: Environmental Data, Sampling, Time Series
Data type: CTD, Current, Chemistry, Mooring (physical oceanography), Geology


RCV:520,521; DEP:;

Equipment used

Equipment Usage description Data types Datasets
CTD 19+ with OBS, PAR, DO, Chl CTD (no data reported)
Niskin bottle Chemistry (no data reported)
ADCP Current (no data reported)
Gravity corer Geology (no data reported)
Bottom platform Mooring (physical oceanography) 1


Datasets produced in this activity

Dataset name Equipment Description Dataset contact
1998-062-FA-OM-001 Bottom platform ECOHAB II mooring data Ellyn Montgomery


Samples collected during this field activity