Field Activity 2000-024-FA

Identifier 2000-024-FA
Alternate names IB S-2-00-SC
Purpose Recover Moorings #605, 606, 607, 608, 609 and 610 from the Los Angeles Shelf, southern California.
Location Los Angeles Shelf, southern California, United States, North America, North Pacific;
Summary Successful recovery of all instruments: Mooring 605, Tripod, ADCP #187; Mooring 606, Surface, SC #1180, Trans # 235; Mooring 607, Tripod, ADCP #138; Mooring 608, Surface, SC # 392; Mooring 609, Tripod, MIDAS #5, MAVS #10009, ADCP #587, Press #68093, Cond #61, Temp #1313, RLS #16050; Mooring 610, Surface, SC #1181, Trans # 290. Moorings recovered: 6 (#605, 606, 607, 608, 609 and 610 all deployed FA 00021 SPROUL Jan. 11-13, 2000).
Comments Original Center People field contained: Jonathan Borden, Richard Rendigs - at sea; Joseph Newell - shipping. Project = LA Shelf, LA Shelf
Robert Gordon Sproul
Length: 125 feet; Beam: 32 feet.
Start San Diego, CA 2000-05-23
End San Diego, CA 2000-05-25
Days in the field 3
West -118.7
East -118.55
North 34.05
South 33.85


384 Woods Hole Road
Quissett Campus
Woods Hole, MA02543-1598
(508) 548-8700
Principal investigators Jonathan Borden
Crew members
Richard R Rendigs
Scientist, Staff
Jonathan Borden
Scientist, Staff
Newell, Joseph S.
Scientist, Staff
Information specialist(s)
Frances L Lightsom
Specialist, Information
Affiliate staff USGS Menlo Park: Marlene Noble, Christopher Sherwood, Timothy Elfers, Joanne Thede-Ferreira, David Gonzales.

Data types and categories

Data category: Location-Elevation, Time Series
Data type: Navigation, Mooring (physical oceanography)


RCV:605,606,607,608,609,610; DEP:;

Equipment used

Equipment Usage description Data types Datasets
DGPS Navigation (no data reported)
Bottom platform Mooring (physical oceanography) 1


Datasets produced in this activity

Dataset name Equipment Description Dataset contact
2000-024-FA-OM-001 Bottom platform mooring data Ellyn Montgomery


Samples collected during this field activity