Field Activity 2001-007-FA

Identifier 2001-007-FA
Alternate names MEAD 01007; IB H-1-01-GC
Purpose Sidescan sonar and high-resolution seismic reflection mapping of Lake Mead to map the surficial geology of the lake floor and the thickness and distribution of post-impoundment sediment in the lake.
Location Lake Mead, Nevada, Arizona, United States, North America;
Summary Sidescan sonar imagery and chirp sub-bottom profiles were collected along 955 km of survey tracklines. Data were collected along lines spaced 500-700 m apart and provided nearly complete sidescan coverage of the eastern two-thirds of the lake as well as a dense grid of sub-bottom profiles. Boomer sub-bottom profiles were collected along 96 km of tracks to provide deeper penetration in the areas of thick sediment cover.
Comments Original Center People field contained: Dave Twichell - ch. sci.; Ken Parolski - mobilization and field technician; VeeAnn Cross - data processor and GIS specialist; Chuck Worley - cruise mobilization. Project = Lake Mead Sediment Study, Lake Mead Sediment Study
Related activities
1999-014-FA: Project
60-foot house boat. 16-foot beam.
Start Callville Bay Marina, NV 2001-04-01
End Callville Bay Marina, NV 2001-04-26
Days in the field 26
West -114.77
East -114.01
North 36.5
South 36


384 Woods Hole Road
Quissett Campus
Woods Hole, MA02543-1598
(508) 548-8700
Principal investigators David C Twichell
Crew members
David C Twichell
Scientist, Staff
Charles R Worley
Scientist, Staff
VeeAnn A. Cross
Scientist, Staff
Kenneth Parolski
Scientist, Staff
Information specialist(s)
David C Twichell
Specialist, Information
Affiliate principal Mark Rudin, UNLV
Affiliate staff Mark Rudin, UNLV

Data types and categories

Data category: Location-Elevation, Seismics, Sonar
Data type: Sub Bottom Profiler, Navigation, Boomer, Sidescan, Single Beam

Documents: Notes and log books

Name Description
Navigation log Technicians' navigation logbook of time, line and file changes, equipment and data acquisition notes.
ISIS log Technicians' ISIS system logbook of time, line and file changes, equipment performance and data acquisition notes.
Geophysics log Technicians' seismic logbook of time, line and file changes, equipment configuration, and data acquisition notes

Equipment used

Equipment Usage description Data types Datasets
SIS1000 Chirp Sonar Sub Bottom Profiler 3
Boomer Boomer (no data reported)
HYPACK Navigation (no data reported)
Single channel hydrophone Air Gun / Water Gun, Boomer, Bubble Gun, Sparker, Sub Bottom Profiler 4
P-code GPS Navigation 1
Echosounder Single Beam 1
SIS1000 Sidescan sonar Sidescan 3


Datasets produced in this activity

Dataset name Equipment Description Dataset contact
2001-007-FA-SE-001 SIS1000 Chirp Sonar Raw SEGY chirp data Nancy K. Soderberg
2001-007 seismic reflection profile images SIS1000 Chirp Sonar Profile images of both the Chirp and boomer datasets. Includes the profile images as well as images with interpretation lines. VeeAnn A. Cross
Chirp seismic data SIS1000 Chirp Sonar Chirp SEG-Y data on CMGDS Linda P McCarthy
2001-007 Boomer navigation Single channel hydrophone Boomer trackline navigation VeeAnn A. Cross
2001-007-FA-SE-002 Single channel hydrophone Raw SEGY boomer data Nancy K. Soderberg
2001-007 seismic reflection profile images Single channel hydrophone Profile images of both the Chirp and boomer datasets. Includes the profile images as well as images with interpretation lines. VeeAnn A. Cross
Boomer seismic data Single channel hydrophone Boomer SEG-Y data on CMGDS Linda P McCarthy
Nav data P-code GPS All navigation acquired on the field activity. Linda P McCarthy
Bathymetry GIS data Echosounder Linda P McCarthy
Enhanced Sidescan mosaic - Overton Arm SIS1000 Sidescan sonar Tone-matched enhanced TIFF sidescan-sonar image from Overton Arm, Lake Mead - UTM projection VeeAnn A. Cross
Enhanced Sidescan mosaic - Temple Basin & Iceberg Canyon SIS1000 Sidescan sonar Tone-matched enhanced TIFF sidescan-sonar image from Temple Basin & Iceberg Canyon, Lake Mead - UTM projection VeeAnn A. Cross
Enhanced Sidescan mosaic - Virgin Basin SIS1000 Sidescan sonar Tone-matched enhanced TIFF sidescan-sonar image from Virgin Basin, Lake Mead - UTM projection Linda P McCarthy


Samples collected during this field activity