Exchange moorings off Boston. Collect sediment cores and deploy oxygen profiler at Stations 2 and 3 near the Massachusetts Bay outfall. Deploy benthic chambers at Station 3. (Scituate moorings will be exchanged using the CHRISTOPHER ANDREW.)
Massachusetts Bay, Massachusetts, United States, North America, North Atlantic,
USGS divers (Dann Blackwood and Charles Worley) recovered tripod at station LNB - release fouled. Cores collected only at Station 3. No moorings recovered/deployed at Scituate on this cruise. No benthic chambers were deployed. The minipod and subsurface moorings were recovered/deployed at Scituate on 10-29-01 from the CHRISTOPHER ANDREW. Moorings recovered: 2 (#644 and 645 both deployed FA 01023 MARCUS HANNA May 23-24, 2001). Moorings deployed: 2 (#664 and 665 both recovered FA 02026 MARCUS HANNA Feb. 5-6, 2002).
Original Center People field contained: At sea: Jonathan Borden*, Mike Bothner, Dann Blackwood, Michael Casso, Sarah Fuller*, Frances Lightsom*, Richard Rendigs, Flavia Wood. Mob and demob: Joseph Newell*. Asterisk (*) denotes acct. 67013; otherwise acct. 67011.
Project = The Massachusetts Bay Experiment, The Massachusetts Bay Experiment