Exchange moored instruments and collect sediment samples at the USGS long-term stations near Buoy B in Massachusetts Bay and offshore of Scituate.
Massachusetts Bay, Scituate, Massachusetts, United States, North America, North Atlantic;
Moorings recovered: 5 (#649 deployed FA 01013 MARCUS HANNA May 23, 2001, recovered and redeployed FA 01068 CHRISTOPHER ANDREW Aug. 16, 2001, recovered FA 02026 MARCUS HANNA Feb. 5-6, 2002; #664 and 665 both deployed FA 01024 MARCUS HANNA Oct. 23, 2001; #666 and 667 both deployed FA 01080 CHRISTOPHER ANDREW Oct. 26-30, 2001). Moorings deployed: 5 (#682, 683, 684, 685 and 686, all recovered FA 02045 MARCUS HANNA May 21-22, 2002).
Chuck Worley and Dann Blackwood are designated to dive if the large tripod is not recovered in the normal way. Extra cores collected at Station 3 for WHOI processing at the Coast Guard dock. Problem with the bottom sealing mechanism (cheese slicer) on the slow corer. Original Center People field contained: Scientists at sea: Dann Blackwood, Jonathan Borden*, Mike Bothner, Michael Casso, Sarah Fuller*, Marinna Martini*, Richard Rendigs, Joanne Sedlock*, Flavia Wood, Charles Worley*. Mob and demobe: Joseph Newell*. Asterisk (*) denotes acct. 67013; otherwise acct. 67011.
Project = Massachusetts Bay Experiment, Massachusetts Bay Experiment