This project supports several SFWMD efforts including the Caloosahatchee MFL, the Southwest Florida Feasibility Study, and the SWIM designation of Charlotte Harbor. In addition, a need for a Charlotte Harbor estuarine mixing model has been identified by the Southwest Florida Regional Restoration Coordination Team and the Southwest Florida Feasibility Study. In order to create an accurate model, current bathymetric data was obtained for the Charlotte Harbor system. Bathymetry data was also needed for the creation of a seagrass vision map (an NEP effort) and to populate the species response models being created as assessment tools for the restoration program. This project addresses the collection and interpretation of data necessary to develop the present day bathymetry of the lower portion of Charlotte Harbor, which includes Pine Island Sound, the region offshore of from Little Gaspiralla Island to south Captiva Island, Florida.
Charlotte Harbor, FL
Number of soundings: 634,075 in comma-delimited and Esri point shapefile formats.
Info derived
Single beam bathymetry (X,Y,Z) data. Products are ASCII text files of the sounding data and point shapefiles representing seafloor elevations.
This dataset includes bathymetric data for the lower portion of Charlotte Harbor, Pine Island Sound, and offshore of Little Gasparilla Island to Sanibel Island from the shoreline to 10 meter (m) water depth. All data were processed relative to the WGS84 (G1150) ellipsoid.