Exchange moorings and collect sediment cores at long-term sites in Massachusetts Bay.
Massachusetts Bay, Massachusetts, United States, North America, North Atlantic,
No diving was required. Moorings recovered: 1 (#775 deployed FA 04032 ABBIE BURGESS Sep. 22-23, 2004). Moorings deployed: 2 (#776 and 777 both recovered FA 05022 MARCUS HANNA May 18-19, 2005). The subsurface mooring #774 released on Dec. 31 when the anchor connection failed. It was recovered by Frank Mirarchi on the F/V CHRISTOPHER ANDREW (FA 04065). The tripod #775 was tipped over on Nov. 15. In spite of a tangled recovery line, we were able to get it on board the MARCUS HANNA without incident on Feb. 9. Four cores were collected at Station 3, three cores at Station 2. The oxygen profiler was deployed twice at Station 3. One deployment of the oxygen profiler was made at Station 2. A refurbished tripod and subsurface mooring were deployed near the B Buoy.
Info derived
Time series data; Samples and chemical analysis; Grain size analysis;
Original Center People field contained: Science crew: Sandy Baldwin*, Dann Blackwood*, Jonathan Borden, Mike Bothner, Michael Casso, Marinna Martini, Richard Rendigs*, Stephen Ruane. Asterisk (*) denotes acct. 2921-BOF96; otherwise acct. 2921-BOF86.
Project = Coastal Geologic Processes: Enviro. Change in the NE U.S., Coastal Geologic Processes: Enviro. Change in the NE U.S.