Recover moorings, deploy small tripod, SCUBA dive for horse mussels, collect sediment cores, and deploy and recover sediment probe for oxygen profiles and fluxes.
Massachusetts Bay, Massachusetts, United States, North America, North Atlantic,
Moorings recovered: 3 (#786, 788 deployed FA 05022 MARCUS HANNA May 18-19, 2005; #792 deployed FA 05025 ARGO MAINE Jun. 6-8, 2005). Mooring deployed: 1 (#805, recovered FA 06003 MARCUS HANNA Feb. 8, 2006). All moorings successfully recovered. A small tripod re-deployed for February pickup. Cores collected from long-term Massachusetts Bay Stations 3 and 2. SCUBA divers collected Horse Mussels (Modiolus modiolus) from rocks (not in sediment) from MWRA Station T-4 on a drumlin south of the outfall. On Day 2, 5 cores were taken from Station 8 in Boston Harbor and 1 hour was spent using the ROV with recorded video surveying the bottom in President Roads off Deer Island (80-100 m water depth) in search of additional mussel beds. No living specimens were found. Some empty horse mussel shells suggest that further surveying might be productive.
Info derived
Time series data; Samples and chemical analysis;
Project = Massachusetts Bay Experiment (old name), Massachusetts Bay Experiment (old name)