Field Activity 2008-008-FA

Identifier 2008-008-FA
Alternate names J-1-08-PR
Purpose The objective of this coring cruise is to determine the age of several significant slope failures and seismite layers around Puerto Rico in an effort to constrain the temporal distribution of large slope failures and earthquakes. Large landslide and earthquake events in close proximity to Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands are believed to have triggered numerous tsunami, which have caused significant damage to coastal communities in the region. By better constraining the temporal occurrence of such large tsunami source mechanisms, we hope to gain a better understanding of the recurrence interval and size of future landslides, thereby providing valuable input into tsunami hazard models for the region. In order to do this, we aim to collect 30-40 cores from offshore Puerto Rico (Mona Canyon, north slope and Puerto Rico trench, and the Virgin Island and Whiting Basins) that intersect landslide or seismite deposits so as to be able to date the penultimate and potentially older landslide and/or earthquake events. This project is a collaborative effort between WHOI and the USGS Woods Hole Science Center.
Location Mona Canyon, Puerto Rico Trench, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Virgin Islands Basin, Whiting Basin, United States, northeast Caribbean, North Atlantic;
Summary During the 9 days at sea, 40 gravity cores were attempted in basins to the northwest of Puerto Rico, south of the U.S. Virgin Islands, within the Puerto Rico trench, and the south and north slopes offshore Puerto Rico. Over 24 m of core were recovered from 21 successful deployments, in addition to numerous smaller samples recovered from the corer when only partial sediment penetration occurred.
Comments Project = Tsunami Hazards: Dev. of Source Potential, Tsunami Hazards: Dev. of Source Potential Information from Foghorn: WHOI Giant Gravity Corer;3.5 kHz echo sounder;
Seward Johnson
Length: 204 feet; Beam: 40 feet.
Start San Juan, Puerto Rico 2008-03-16
End San Juan, Puerto Rico 2008-03-24
Days in the field 9
West -66.2888
East -65.72446018
North 18.04819477
South 17.6965172


384 Woods Hole Road
Quissett Campus
Woods Hole, MA02543-1598
(508) 548-8700
Principal investigators Uri Ten BrinkJason Chaytor
Crew members
Emily Himmelstoss
Scientist, Staff
Uri Ten Brink
Scientist, Staff
Matthew Arsenault
Scientist, Staff
Jason Chaytor
Scientist, Staff
Claudia Flores
Scientist, Staff
Michael Casso
Scientist, Staff
Brian Buczkowski
Scientist, Staff
Sandy Baldwin
Scientist, Staff
Kate McMullen
Scientist, Staff
Information specialist(s)
Jason Chaytor
Specialist, Information
Affiliate principal Jason Chaytor - WHOI
Affiliate staff Jim Broda, WHOI, Coring Technician

Data types and categories

Data category: Location-Elevation, Seismics, Sampling
Data type: Navigation, Sub Bottom Profiler, Geology

Equipment used

Equipment Usage description Data types Datasets
Gravity corer Geology 1
3.5 kHz Sub Bottom Profiler (no data reported)
DGPS Navigation (no data reported)


Datasets produced in this activity

Dataset name Equipment Description Dataset contact
2008-008-FA-SC-001 Gravity corer J. Chaytor's SJHN08008 data set: 21 gravity cores plus some partial cores and bagged samples; each sample identified by SJHN08008 (or SJ8) + core # (assigned by B. Buczkowski). Brian Buczkowski


Samples collected during this field activity